Free attributes

Eldrian called up his avatar statistics, taking his time to work through how he would use his free attributes. He would still like to keep from using them since he did not know what the future would bring.

Currently though, he needed a boost. A significant one at that.

[Haru's Statistics:]

[Level: 6 (23k/36k)]

[Magic Class Tier 1]

[Subclass: Melee Tier 1]

[Avatar Affinity: 96.21%]

Reading through this Eldrian thought back to when he trained with Old Sword and first managed to successfully use a skill. Strangely he had not reached Tier 1 after learning general skills that simply boosted his attributes. He only gained it after learning Double Strike, a weapon-related skill.

Eldrian had no idea why this happened and only realized it due to general skills being easier to learn than weapon-related skills. At least this was true for him, he felt it was not true for normal players.