Player shop

Eldrian gladly accepted the book, eager to read it all. What he needed most was a varied amount of ways to improve, since he had no one way. Hence the notes were a very welcomed addition. Eldrian believed that looking and trying to learn all the ways other have masters magic, would help him to gain inspiration. Naturally always trying to integrate it with his own way. 

"You can go now, I want to practice," Myropsis said, shooing him with her hand until he was outside of the room. Closing the door in his face, she sat down and tried to discard what she knew to follow what she took from Eldrian.

"That's kinda rude..." Eldrian mumbled, quickly getting over it as he looked at the book. He really wanted to just rush back and start reading it, but first, he needed to go to the temples to see how the shops work. He had heard from Erik that it was really easy to make some quick cash through them.