Time flies (Part 1)

Erik on the other hand was really interested when Eldrian brought up the teleportation fees. He already knew that it was possible since it was how all the other players had gone to the empire. He just had no clue how expensive it was. It was something he was saving for in the game, for if things got really shaky, he hoped to teleport himself and Akarui to safety. Having come to the conclusion that trying to run was simply hopeless.

His next task was instead figuring out where the teleportation hall was inside the city. This was quite difficult as he was being treated as an outcast after having declined the invitation of the empire. While there were a few other players who also did this, they did not even total to ten in the city. All the NPCs felt that they simply did not know what an opportunity was. Seemingly they did not wish to be associated with them, believing that this would earn them the spite of the empire.