Retreating to safety

Knowing this, Evale realized she couldn't just keep fighting. While she would like to get more used to the revenant's aura and try and find a way past its armor. Having managed to slowly whittle down the former's effect on her, to now around 3%.

She realized that doing so would take too long, certain that more undead were rushing to her location. A few stragglers had already joined the horde, if a higher undead were to arrive her life could really be in danger. Then it would no longer be a case of her struggle to kill her enemy, but rather her needing to fight for her life.

As such, she realized she had to end the fight as quickly as possible, or retreat. She naturally didn't want to run without killing the revenant, having fought it she felt more and more that she had to kill it. As such she sealed her resolve, jumped back, and created enough space between herself and the revenant to allow a second of distraction.