Revelations about the higher undead

Moving closer, the other two looked between Eldrian and Pelaros, then patted Pelaros's shoulder to calm him down. One on each side. Pelaros seemed to be quite traumatized by not getting an answer and needing to wait who knows how long.

"I guess you are going to need to wait a bit more before you can get your answers," Katania said, causing Pelaros's muscles to twitch in frustration. 

"Why are you so pumped?" Evale asked, poking at one of Pelaros's bulging muscles. It fighting to escape the confines of his deep red Akro, the cape-like clothing they all wear to cover their horse half. 

Taking a deep breath to calm down, which was made harder by Evale's poking and teasing. Pelaros turned to face Evale with a frown. "Stop that." He said, which she refused.

In the end, he had to shapeshift back into his human form. Her finger landing on his chest on the next poke.