Blinding achievements

When the song ended, applause filled the room. Looking up, the two quickly turned red and retreated from the dance floor. However, it was not that easy to escape attention after you managed to grab it. 

Many demi-human and human's approached the two. Eldrian was a handsome elf who seemed to know an entirely foreign dance style. This piqued nearly all the noble ladies.

Vivian, instead, was a beautiful girl, which attracted many noble men. 

It turned into such a bother that the two had to escape to the outside just for some peace and quiet. After they did, they laughed. 

"And I thought we might just be able to not attract attention until the reward ceremony near the end of the gala."

Eldrian just smiled and shrugged, "When is that going to start?"

"It should be anytime now. We should probably go back in."

Nodding, they did just that and just as people noticed, Pelaros declared that it was time for the formal matters.