Eldrian's titles

"I am not sure what you are trying to explain," Eldrian mumbled.

"Oh, it is quite a simple thing. You aren't the same as most High Elves, at least not according to what I have heard. I must admit you are the first I have met." Sofiera replied. 

"But, given the fact that you Chosen have only been on Gaia for half a year, it is truly impressive what you have accomplished. Rather, what you have accomplished should be impossible."

She paused as she wondered how to explain herself better, "What I am trying to say is that if anyone would be able to improve Epignosi, it will be you. However, doing so at your current level might be too much to ask."

"This is why I asked how many titles you have earned."

"I see, you wanted to know if we should wait on trying to modify the spell until I become stronger?" Eldrian asked rhetorically and got a nod in reply.