Chaotic energies (Part 1)

To answer Ceph's question, Eldrian had to truly think it through. 'I might not be able to make as stable a one as you, but I should definitely be able to at least send a message telepathically. Forming a bridge for communication I believe will be too hard.'

'Oh? Why do you think so?' Zamia asked, surprised that Eldrian would realize the difficulty before attempting it.

Keeping a communication connection was indeed far more complex than simply sending a quick message. To do so you had to constantly match as close as possible your and the other's mental frequencies, or mental states as the Alicorns thought of it.

This was made easier if the participant had some knowledge on the subject and was open to the connection. Being calm also helped greatly, in fact, if someone became too agitated the connection could be broken simply due to that. Depending on the creator's skill in navigating things, of course.