Stalling for time

'Now what?' Ceph asked.

While they had practiced the attack a bunch, they hadn't thought of what to do after. Eldrian hadn't thought they'd need to use it so soon, and not against a horde. It was more something planned to kill a single enemy. 

'Not sure, let's wait a bit.' Eldrian replied, admittedly he was a bit worried about not retrieving Crystoi since he hadn't bonded with it yet and thus it could indeed be stolen. Luckily, it seemed the orcs were all stunned and weren't reacting quickly. 

However, it didn't take long for them to recover from the shock of their Warlord dying.

Once the shock wore off, they searched the sky for their attackers to no avail. Fearing another attack they did not charge for the village. Instead, they waited and tried to figure out what had happened.

This, at the very least, was a massive win.