What a hero can do

"Miasma bombs," Ceph said and on cue, a large number of undead were launched over the city walls. Splattering on landing. Some strange miasma seeping from the splattered remains. Visible even without mana sense or any type of observation skill. 

This miasma spread quickly and killed anyone it came into contact with. It didn't exist for long, but the damage it did was shocking. 

[Death Miasma]

[Concentrated vile and putrid disease, altered and weaponized through vampiric necromancers.]

[Damage (Decay): 40 (30) {per second for 30 seconds}]

'That... Is dangerous.'

After a few seconds, the magic towers activated a barrier of sorts. This was the first time for Eldrian to witness this type of barrier. No, that was wrong. He had once witnessed a similar barrier, a long time ago.