Skills, spells, mana manipulation, and disaster

Eldrian finally cleared his mind after letting his thoughts wander. Returning his focus to improving quickly. Contemplating what he had just learned and returning to the question of mana manipulation's prowess. He felt he could now understand the difference between different casting methods.

Specifically what counted as casting, and what did not.  At least, he understood it a bit better. 

'Dynamic casting is done by having the entire picture mapped out in your mind. I think I finally get it. You perfectly envision the end result and then feed mana to this image almost instinctually.'

'If you need to think of anything other than the result, even the mana composition, then it is a failure. It has to come naturally.'

'It is completely feel based. And due to this, I don't always succeed. Sometimes I just know what is required, but once I question I cannot succeed.'