Elomir under siege (4) - Eldrian's gamble

"Who does he think I am? Him?" Ilmadia grumbled after receiving Eldrian's request. "Not everyone can simply come up with magic on the fly. That melody took me over a week to learn to mix my mana with..."

She sighed. It would be impossible for her to devise a way to detect the devils among them. She didn't even know where to start. No one knew their secret. How they were able to hide their auras and transform into normal people. Even fooling detection spells. 

The only known way to discover a hidden devil was by the use of divine powers. But not even divine spells would reveal all. The only full proof method was by the manner of an oath. However, it was simply impossible to have everyone undergo an oath. It brought with it far too many restrictions. It simply wasn't a valid method for anything but a key position.