Eldrian's duel with a Terror

"Seems some slipped past them," Eldrian commented, watching his map as the red dots made a beeline for the glade. There were six in total, one Tier 7, three Tier 8, and two Tier 9. All of them Terrors. 

"I'll take the weakest one, Nerenth?"

"I cannot fight well in this form. I will contact those in reserve to stop the others." She replied, her words drifting on the winds from the surrounding trees. 

Nodding, Eldrian left a projection of his map affixed in place. Hoping the spell and runic combination he had thrown together would manage to survive while his attention was elsewhere. 

It was a rather simple spell. Only needing to project the image of his map. The tricky part was linking the map (normally invisible to all but the player) to the rest of the world. But since Eldrian already had that figured out, he believed the spell should stay as long as the mana he had given it as a reserve lasted.