Eldrian's first official dungeon (5) - 5k vs 50

"Eldrian?" Elizabeth asked, never stating her actual question. 

"I can't. Cage isn't mana efficient for large areas. And Tempest won't kill them quick enough." Incinerate might stand a good chance, but again, Eldrian didn't want to rely on lifeforce-related spells right off the bat. 

One, they were overkill. And two, they were dangerous. Even with how much his control had improved. In fact, it was because his control had improved so much that he understood just how dangerous they were. 

"Right. Guess we need to pull our own weight then." Judith said, a massive grin on her face as she took a few casual swings with Slay. 

"Just be careful of the devils. They may appear like skeletons or anything else. But their strength will match yours." Eldrian warned the group.

Naturally, this warning was something that needn't be said. Everyone was aware of this facade of the dungeon.