Dungeon rewards (4) - Mosfaria's Aegis (actives)

Disappointed that she couldn't notice any effects, Nikki turned her attention toward the active abilities. Of which the shield had only two. But both were extremely strong and useful. 

[Active abilities:]

[Dome of protection: Summon a barrier of wind, protecting a set area from all attacks. Be they magical or physical. (Allows attacks from inside to leave the barrier unimpeded)]

[Upon activation, the wielder can decide who may enter the Dome of Protection. Without active instruction, the dome will allow party members free entry and exit.]

[Cost (Activation): 200 (per 2-meter radius) <231>]

[Cost (Drain): Raw damage value of blocked attacks minus 51.67 <43.54> (1/3 MR rating). Attacks below 51.67 <43.54> raw damage value will not cost any mana to block.]

[Cooldown: 15 minutes (per 2-meter radius covered)]