Souls left behind

With their match settled, the two moved a bit away from the carnage. Eldrian quickly created some seats for them, pulled out something to drink from his inventory, and they got to talking. 

It started with them discussing the battle, then moved to trivia, what each other had been busy with, and so forth. They more or less knew everything already, but they still talked. 

Soon, their conversation returned to their match. And Vivian asked how much Eldrian had been holding back.

"It's hard to say. We began slowly, to test each other. But I normally try to go full tilt with my magic at the start. I also didn't abuse flying, didn't use teleportation, and relied on Tranquility instead of Wrath."

"So, you're saying I stood no chance?" Vivian asked, visibly upset. Until her eyes drifted to Eldrian's missing arm.