Azar To The Rescue

Astrid POV

"Soooo let me get this straight later on today we are actually going to talk to Azar"? Me and Arista were currently in class doing nothing since it was basically a free period.

"Umm more like I'm going to be talking to her... and you are not joining me" I say sternly. Arista pouts at me as she secretly stuffs cereal into her mouth.

"Aww come on I'm like your bestfriend I have to be there, pleeeeeasse" she begs shaking my body as if knocking some sense into me.

"Listen Arista I appreciate your support, but there are some things I must do alone" I say patting her head. She let's out a grunt while I go back to reading my book.

Just then Fionela stomps her way through stopping in front of me and Arista. "Sooo a little birdie told me you are seeking help from Cohen's little sister mind telling me what that's about" she snaps.

"I think the real question is why are you talking to birds in the first place, seems to me like you are not right in the head". Arista jokes I try to hold back a giggle seriously what would I do without my bestfriend.

Arching a brow Fionela crosses her arms. "Astrid this is a serious situation I really think you should think things through before just up and ask anyone for help". I roll my eyes already getting annoyed.

"Last time I checked I am not some toddler, and besides we need to test out all of our options. I think I know exactly what I'm doing" I say confidently.

"Yweah I Agwee with hwer " Arista mumbles out her mouth filled with cereal. I send her a disgusted look.

"Fine but if this plan does not work I won't hesitate to say I told you so" Fionela declares a frown on her face. I shrug as I watch her walk away back to her desk.

"Wow that sure was a dramatic exit, anyway want to get some food". Arista says still stuffing her face with some cheerios cereal.

"Arista when is there ever a time you aren't hungry" I say shaking my head.

"Never and that's why you love me" she says triumphantly.

I wouldn't have it any other way


"Oooo I missed you so much how are you feeling" Sloane gushes pulling me into a tight bear hug. I gently pat her on the head while trying to push her slightly away.

"Yes Sloane I love you too but umm right now I'm struggling to breathe" I puff out. Finally she releases me a huge grin on her face.

"I'm sorry I just get super excited whenever I see my friends" she rushes out. I can practically see her struggling to control her excitement.

"Oh where is your friend I thought she would be accompanying you" Sloane asked searching around.

"Well she is currently busy stuffing her face with food and trying to win a new boy toy so that should keep her busy until we are finished" I say candidly. I watch the shock on Sloanes face.

"Well....uhh okay I also made sure Cohen was occupied he is in a meeting right now so don't worry" Sloane assures me. I can't help but feel guilty about going behind his back to talk to Azar without him. But in all honesty I have to do what I think is right and maybe we'll have the answers we need.

We walk into an empty classroom making sure to lock it and cover the glass window. "This is so no one will see us its just for protection purposes" Sloane says assuring me.

I nod my head as I pull two chairs facing them so that when me and Azar are talking we'll be facing each other. We sit down finally and I try to calm my nerves.

"Don't be nervous I told you Azar has gotten better... and if things get to out of hand I know how to gain control" Sloane says giving one of my hands a gentle squeeze.

Its quiet for a bit and I watch Azar close her eyes trying to get azar to come through. Unlike the first time she came through this time is different her eyes change to the usual deep purple and specks of white start to show up in her hair.

"Hello sister" Azar greets the usual smirk placed upon her face. She crosses her legs peering at me in curiosity.

"Nice to see you again Azar I see you are doing well" I say hesitantly still testing the waters because with Azar you never know what will happen.

"Yes I am fine, I understand you are in quite a situation sister. I am glad you finally came to me for help" she says calmly.

I gently nod my head "Azar as you know... my father has taken my powers away. I would really like them back but... how do we do that" I asked getting straight to the point.

"If I am being honest I don't know how you could of let this happen...nonetheless I have an idead" Azar says. I lean into my chair waiting for her to continue.

"I happen to be a black witch myself... I know how to retrieve them the only thing is its risky". I bite my lip nervously not feeling so sure about this.

"I would have to put a spell on him to knock him out....however since he already has your powers he would be able to block me which in that case we are fucked" she states bluntly.

I try to think of every scenario in my head until it hits me. "Why don't we just distract him... we would need a way to get you into the room without him noticing you... but I'm sure it could work we just need to be quick" I say excitedly just thinking about it.

"Hmm.. that could work, but we must be precise my dear wrong move and we could be caught and who knows the immense power he is capable of" Azar informs.

"We have to at least try or else I'll never get my powers back and I'll have to end up marrying Cohen" I say with distaste. Don't get me wrong he is a great guy but I don't want to marry him.

"Yes my sister we shall try on one condition"...

I lean back hesitantly in my seat not sure I'm about to like what I'm about to hear.

"You must let me cure your deafness for good..."