Chapter 2- Class?

'Class? What do you mean class?'

'Huh. So what are the classes?'

'Blade user base-class.'

'Rogue sounds good.'

'A thief sounds like a good choice.'

<+1 Selfish>

'Huh? Bertran? What was that?'


'Can you show me my stats?' All of a sudden I saw a floating blue thing in front of me. 'Interesting.' I smile. 'One Rude point and one Selfish? Bertran? When did I get the Rude point?'

'Oh. Whatever. I'll just live as an evil person.'

<+1 Evil!>

'Well that makes sense. Now what are these other numbers?' I look at the other part of the floating thing. 'Why is my magic so high?'

'Oh. So as an elf I get 12 magic. I'd assume the 10 dexterity and charisma is from me being a rogue and a thief. But why is my strength at 10 as well?'

'Well what's vitality? And why's it at 8?'

'Interesting. So my intelligence and wisdom is at 8. What's that mean?'

'Alright.' I start looking around and notice the blue thing disappear. "Now where should I head first? Hmm.... How about a town?" I ask myself. "I'm sure the inhabitants will happily part with their stuff."

<+1 Selfish!>

"Whatever." I grin and start running in a random direction.

"A demon huh? That sounds like a lot of fun! How do I become one?" I ask happily and hear what sounds like a sigh from Bertran.


"That'll take a while." I say and start running again. After hours of running I finally come across a small town, hardly more than a village. "This'll be perfect!" I smirk muttering under my breath so the villagers don't hear me. "They won't suspect a thing!"

"Is that an elf?"

"What's an elf doing here?"

"Excuse me ma'am. Where would there be an inn?" I ask a random person.

"Over there." She points to a large building.

"Thank you!" I say and run towards it.

"Welcome to our inn miss!" The innkeeper smiles.

"May I rent a room for a while?"

"What size?"

"Enough for just me."

"That would be 5 silver."

"I'm so very sorry sir! I have nothing on me at the moment! Would you let me stay for a day or so? I'll make sure to get you it!" I ask.

"Since you asked so kindly yes."

"Thank you very much sir!" I say as he guides me to the room.

That night I went out and snuck into people's houses. I left with more than when I went in each time. As I robbed the villagers there were no sounds from Bertran. I was curious as to why but didn't ask.

"Good morning sir!" I say cheerily as I came down the stairs.

"Do you have your payment?"

"Right here!" I set down 5 silver coins.

"Where did you get those? I didn't see you leave last night."

"I left really late and sold some things." I say and he nods.

"Alright. May I ask what you sold?"

"A couple nick knacks. Nothing special." I say and smile. "Now I need to leave again." The night before I found that the people here have very little coins. I had decided to move on to a bigger city.

As I left the town there was a small child on the streets who looked like they needed medical attention so I tore off part of my shirt and wrapped up his wounds. I also gave him a small bronze coin before leaving.

<+1 Selfless!>

"Well that's annoying."

"Nah. That's no fun."

<+1 Neutral!>

"Now let's go off again!" I smile and start running again. During my travels I helped two other people and got two Kind points. Then I came across a large city.