Chapter 8- The Tyrant Ruler of the Demons.

"Damn! This place is the greatest!"

"I suppose it is."

"Thanks for crowning me Queen of this place."


"Where to conquer next?" I ponder. "Elves."


"There's this asshole elf that I'm going to rule over soon. Then I can decapitate him too!" I grinned and the people in the chamber shrank back frightened. "That'll be fun!"

"What exactly did he do to you?"

"Let's see.... He made fun of my given name, acted like I was an idiot and was just rude in general. And not the playful rudeness of the demons."

"Playful?" Demetrius was in the form of a three headed dog that was rumored could speak. He did this so as not to undermine my authority as Queen.

"Yeah. But this guy was genuinely rude."

"Well I respect whatever decision you make my Queen."

"Thanks." I giggle. The people in the room stop what they were doing and stare at me in shock. "What?"

"Mistress." A guard comes up to me bowing. "I think they're surprised since they've never seen you smile let alone laugh."

"I suppose they haven't. Well they might not be able to speak anymore if I find out they talked about this." My subjects went back to cowering in fear.

"Don't you think that's a bit harsh?"

"No. The demons cannot know their Queen is kind. Or softhearted. Or anything but absolutely evil."

"If you say so."

"Now let's see.... Bertran?"

He sounds exasperated.

"Where did I join the world? I would like to conquer that place first. That horrid tranquil forest."

"Forest of the giants eh? Where is it?"

"What are you doing Nishi?" Demetrius asked.

"Figuring out the territory of that asshole elf."


"Done. Now let's see. Demetrius! Can you summon a small army?"

"Of course. Where do you want them?"

"Portal creation room."

"How long from now?"

"As soon as possible."

"All right."