Sleep-deprived with a 30min time limit? Yep, it's gonna suck more than the previous ones:"D
and way shorter :"D
sorry bout that : "D
About this being a super long chap?
Yeah, forget about that as I got another assignment::((. But I guess he(ML) would finally appear? :D
Chen xiao = Xiao Chen (Means small Chen)
Xiao Chen twirled his pen, deeply sighing with a large frown. Ever since that faithful day, Yue XiFeng had been occasionally teasing him in private. Indeed, she was gutsy enough to tease the head homcho of her school, the principal.
But she had a reason for it, and a proper deduction that supported her mischief. In the years, she'd poke fun at the midget principle, she'd been able to properly understand his character.
He wasn't calm nor reckless. He wasn't stubborn nor compliant. Neither was he an idiot nor a genius. But one thing was for sure, he made the right decisions.
It was just that, it didn't seem to be his day when he got beaten up for underestimating a certain supposedly frail and delicate girl.
His cautious and decisiveness when handling matters caught her eyes as it glistened. He was the perfect assistant for her business. In the years she'd been here, she'd been acquiring much information regarding the current time's way of handling matters. Be it business or politics, she'd read articles about it and procured enough information to start putting it to practice.
If only she could just start it herself, it would've been far simpler. But that wasn't an option as a thriving business needed proper roots, numerous branches, as well as an abundant number of leaves to grow itself into a better tree.
In short, she needed people.
Her journey to defeat Li Nian required her to create an empire of her own. Be it in business, politics, or even the underworld. But she didn't plan to utilize only one of them like how the b*tch only excelled in finance. She planned to utilize all of them, by any means possible.
However, in order to do that, she needed actual competent and trustable allies. Ones who would not be easily swayed by senseless temptations. She was far too lenient and detached as a Queen and now it was her opportunity to change it.
She spent 3 years, relentlessly searching for people who she deemed worthy of the time and opportunity. But so far, she'd only found a handful of them, with the principal being one of them. Aside from him was the b*stard, but she was afraid she'd use him as a means to... violently 'play' instead.
None of the competent people she'd found were intentional as Yue XiFeng trusted her instincts, picking those they leaned towards.
"Why should I bet my legal career for something so absurd?" His eyes rolled, breathing a long sigh.
"About the photo you got there on your phone, well... let's just say that the humiliation for me isn't worse than the criticism for you." Xiao Chen bantered, finally gutsy enough the defend himself. Yue XuFeng remained with her eyes closed, not speaking nor moving an inch. With a calm face she folded her arms, causing the anxious man to raise a brow.
Though he was suspicious, he'd steeled himself to finally speak the facts, no longer feeling as much pressure relentlessly mulling him.
"...Also, the video won't properly add up with the photo. The photo and the video was too vastly different and anyone would find it suspicious if the frail and horror-stricken girl, well, end up doing that. I've also researched your video by hacking into the database. The firewall may be powerful, but the underworld is redoubtful as I was able to properly indentify that it was fake."
"Therefore, you can't force me to as those two 'evidence' have no use-"
"You can't blackmail me."
A wide grin emerged from her charming face as she beamed a wide smile.
"...Took you long enough."
Yue XiFeng proceeded to delete the two 'pieces of evidence' she had in front of Xiao Chen. This resulted in him being both baffled and frustrated. In truth, all these years, he wasn't afraid of the photo, he was afraid of her!
But there's no way he would confess that.
But she knew. She knew from the very beginning, that he knew. That he wasn't that gullible, that he was simply heavily appaled.
She knew.
"You knew, didn't you." Continuing with a satisfied grin, she clasped her hands together whilst approaching closer to him, "I knew I wasn't wrong."
Bending her body until their faces were merely a centimeter apart, she beamed the demonic smile and gently caressed his head.
"Well done." She said while ruffling his hair, "Now join me."
Taking out a few photographs from her pockets, she spread them with her fingers. It was evident that she was letting him see the photographs on purpose as she placed it between their stares.
This time, instead of growing pale and reluctant, he seethed with burning rage, furiously staring daggers at the dreadful girl in front of him.
"What. Did. You. Do?!"
He raised his tone, pulling his head back as his features distorted. Yue XiFeng stood straight as she flailed the photographs in her hand.
"Nothing... yet." She playfully said as she cocked her head back towards his face.
It didn't take long for Xiao Chen to make a decision as we were desperate. This delicate girl was definitely someone he shouldn't mess with.
His experience from the underworld warned him so, as he saw firsthand how ruthless and calculating she could be.
Though he was against it, he had to admit that she was one of the scariest people he'd ever met. Even if she was merely a teenage girl.
Gritting his teeth regretfully, he finally exclaimed aloud, "Grrr... FINE!" with his saliva splattering all over Yue XiFeng's face.
Her smile dissipated whilst she grabbed a wet tissue to wipe her face and nodded at him. Taking out a lighter, she completely burned the photos into nothingness, as not a piece remained.
Proceeding to sit back to the chair, the sound of the slamming door could be heard clearly. Tilting her head towards the direction, two men in black could be seen entering the room as a tall and dark figure emerged.
Facepalming in slight annoyance, she placed her hand on her hips before frowining upon the arrival of the man.
But a second later, her thin lips perked into an empty smile.
'Ah, my lottery ticket. You've finally come.'
But what she didn't realize, was that the man that entered with an indifferent face, was in both an extremely irritated and furious state.