Chapter 8

Okay so Asce here. I just want to give a quick warning about this chapter which is one the worst chapters I have made.

However I don't know how to fix it properly so it's here. Anyway please for the love of god please don't drop the book here and keep reading.

It's bad I know but please don't. That's all thanks.


" Welcome to the world of the living. I'll be your host today. So who are you?"

The kids looked at me with faces saying ' What' before they realised they were tied up.

" Untie us then we'll tell you. " The boy said.

" You know I can drop into a lake and watch as you drown right. "I say.

The boy then pales and is probably thinking ' Shit what do I do. '.

" My name is Winter and he's my brother Touya. " The girl said with a poker face.

" See that wasn't so hard. "

" Then why the us up? " The boy asked.

" Because I didn't want both of you to attack me and deal with unnessary BS."

" Huh. "

" Don't worry about it. " I say as I untie them.

" Now mind telling me why your with bandits."

Touya looks at Winter probably asking with his face if they should tell me. She nods.

" We were captured. "

" I already knew about that. "

" I was getting to it. We were taken in the last down while visiting with our Grandma. "

" I see. Do you want me to take you there? "

" Wait really? Thanks. "

" What's the catch? " Winter asks.

" Pretty perceptive. I want to meet her and see what type of person she is. " ' Maybe she some old badass and I can learn from here. "

" Okay. " She looks at me suspiciously.

" Anyway let's go. " I then grab them and apparate to the town.

Both of them were on the ground puking. Going through apparition makes you do that. Comes from experience.

" Couldn't you give a warning? "

" Wheres the fun in that? "


" I hate you. " Winter agreed with him nodding at his words.

" I love both you as well. "

I had them lead me to their grandma's house.They walked in and went to her room.

" Grandma were home. " Touya yelled.

All I saw was a blur before both of them were caught in a bear hug.

" I missed both of you. Know where were you? " She asked while releasing killing intent.

Winter decided to explain. She explained their story while I decided to listen. I was starting to day dream before sensing an attack.

It was a dagger which I caught between my fingers before it my forehead.

" Oi old hag what was that for? "

" Just measuring your strength. Not bad. But how did you make the knife appear in the room and kill the people inside. "

I see. The kids told them how I knife was used to kill the people watching them.

To demenstrate I threw the knife at her. She was about to catch it before it teleported bear her face and cut her right cheek before sticking to the wall.

Shock appears on her face before she looks at me with interest. No she is not a pedo.

" I see.You have space magic. "

" Ding ding. For that you get a million points. "

" Your much better at using that element than others. How about we have a spar? "This excited me. Maybe I could learn something from her. I wonder skills she has.

" Alright but what do I call you by? "

" Call me Granny Chioh. "

" Okay. "


We headed outside and got into position.

" We will only be using weapons. No magic. Is this agreeable. "

" Yes."

She was unarmed but that would be a lie. She has needles and daggers on her. I brought two daggers on held them in my hands.

After a couple seconds I rushed at her. I went in for a stab at her misdirection but she dodges and was going to grab my arm but I was able to attack and slashes at her neck.

She backed off and then threw knifes at me. I dodged them before throwing a knife at her. She dodges and I headed in. She tryes to punch me but blocked and sent a punch at her. She blocked and retaliated.

We kept going back in forth with our strikes before she backed off. I kept up my gaurd to see what she would do.

When she walked towards me but something was off so I threw a knife at her. It went threw her.

' After image! ' I thought as my eyes widened.

That was a mistake as when I tried to concentrate on her I immediatly froze to the knife at my throat.

My eyes glanced to the left as I saw the old hag look at me with a smug expression on her face.

" Not bad. You're better than most at your age. Managed to relieve me of some boredom. "

She removed the knife from by throat as I released the breath I subconsciencely held.

" What your magic affinity? " I asked after I regained my barings.

" Hmm oh it's fire. " She said casually.

I look at the ground she stood at before and noticed burn marks and the grass that was burnt.

' She must have compressed the fire below her feet and released it like a mini explosion to give herself a boost in speed. '

" Seems like you figured put my trick. "

I look towards her and she looks at me with the same smug expression on her face.

I nod at her statement.

" Not bad. Most people couldn't figure that out. "

" Can I spar with you again? " I ask.

" Oh. You don't want me to train you instead. "

" No. I learnt how to kill people from my teacher. I just want to gain experience. "

" Hmm true but what do I get put of it? "

" I'll help cooking and cleaning since I can stay for a while and help take care of Touya and Winter. "

She starts to think as I just stand there waiting.

" Alright. "

I sigh while feeling excited on the inside.

" We will spar tomorrow but for now come inside and make me dinner. "

" Alright. "