Chapter 47

Julius sat in front of Elden as he stared at him. His captains were standing behind him while Eldens did the same.

" The main reason is for spade kingdom. I think you already know why? " Julius said.

Elden sighed as he made an annoyed face.

" Yep. Those guys have tried sending spies into the kingdom so many times. " Elden said.

" But that's for later. We could've done this when the spade kingdom made their move so why did you decide to have it now? " Elden asked.

Julius looked at him, having a serious look on his face.

" The clover kingdom was attacked. The group responsible was called the Eye of the Midnight Sun.

We had many casualties, but the one that hit us the most was Fugoleons. He lost an arm and his pendant. " Julius said.

" His pendant? " Elden asked curiously. Losing an arm isn't uncommon considering that you can lose your life so ignored that fact. Plus he already knew that.

" Yes. His pendant was missing. What it held was a red stone. Once they left the kingdom I followed them and found a tablet. On it were 4 other stones. " Julius said.

" Let me guess, were they placed in some way that they looked like keys? " Elden asked.

" Yep. " Julius said as he raised his eyebrow.

" How did you know though? " Julius asked.

" Oh that. Truth be told we know nothing about mages from back in the day or what magic existed.

So I made a theory that it could be possible that there could exist a mage who had sealing magic. What you described so far is something that I had thought about so I took a risk to see if it was similar. " Elden said nonchalontly.

" I see. Also, can we talk about those theories?" Julius asked going into ' I am a magic nerd ' mode.

" Sure. After this though. " Elden said.

" That's good. Seems we have the same opinion. " Julius said.

" It probably a seal. However.. "

" You don't know what's being held back. So you want this alliance so in the case of whatever does pop put proved to be a massive threat, we can come to help you stop it while evacuating the citizens. " Elden said.

" Precisely. " Julius said.

" Meh sure. " Elden said agreeing.

" Alright, that's good. Now, all we have to do is finish the paperwork. " Julius said as he got up.

" Yep. " Elden said as he got up as well.

" Wait so we are done?!!! " Rill asked as he looked at the both of them.

" Yep. This was going to be a fast alliance making. " Yami said.

" Seriously?! Shouldn't it have taken longer and the atmosphere be tense? ! " Rill asked.

" Hey, kid, how old are you? " Rose asked.

" I'm 19. " Rill said cheerfully.

" So you're the youngest captain here.. A bit of advice, usually a meeting like this would be tense, however..." Rose said.

" Our leaders are magic maniacs and their personalities are the same in some ways so they would get along great. " Yami said.

" Makes sense. " Rill said a she looked at Elden and Julius who were just talking while ignoring everyone else.

" But shouldn't have there been some negotiations or something like that? " Rill asked confused.

" Usually there would be. " Joker said as Rill looked at him.

" However we don't really need anything from the clover kingdom like materials. We just need your cooperation when it matters. " Joker said.

" Oh Okay. " Rill said as he understood.

" Well now that's done. Oi!!! " Mereoleona yelled at the 2 geeks.

" Are we going to fight or not? " She asked.

" Relax we just discussed that. " Elden said.

" We are going have some fights. There is an open field close to here that we can use. We won't cause any damage to this town and all of you can fight at full strength. " Julius said excitedly.

"That's good!! " Drake said with a grin.

" Then my opponent is her. " Drake said as he pointed at Mereoleona with a battle-crazed grin.

" That's fine. You were my choice as well. " Merwleona said with the same grin.

" My choice is him. " Rose said as she pointed at Jack.

" Kukuku, challenge excepted. " Jack said.

" I want to fight too!! " Rill yelled excitedly.

" Alright. I'll fight you then. " Joker said smiling.

" Okay. " Rill said.

" Then that means I'll be fighting you. " Yami said with a giant grin as he looked at Elden.

" Yep. This rematch took way too long to come by. This will be fun. " Elden said with a grin.

" Wait but who is going to fight first though? " Rill asked curiously.

" Julius will be deciding. " Elden said.

" And I've already thought about it. Also, after this, we get to go to the Diamond kingdom to explore the place. " Julius said excitedly with stars in his eyes.

" Finally. " Yami said.

" Oi don't blame me. I had a lot of shit to complete. Besides paperwork is the natural enemy of all leaders. " Elden said.

" Yep. Anyway. The first match will be between...

Rill vs Joker.

The second will be...

Rose vs Jack.

The third will be...

Mereoleona vs Drake.

The fourth will be...

Yami vs Elden. " Julius said.

" I'm fighting first?! Okay. " Rill said excitedly.

" At least we weren't last. " Drake and Mereoleona said simultaneously.

" Dammit Julius, why couldn't you have made us go first?!! " Yami said annoyed.

" Because it's my choice and I chose. Now let's start. " Julius said excitedly.

" Alright everyone please step through the portal in an orderly fashion. " Elden said as he created a portal.


" And this is the battlefield. " Elden said.

The field was an empty terrain filled with rocks. There was no vegetation anywhere as it was barren. Perfect considering that things were going to destructive pretty fucking fast.

" Well then. Rill, Joker you guys are up first. Have fun. " Elden said both of them disappeared and reappeared down below.

" So cool!! " Julius said as he looked at what happened.

'His space magic is far above the Roulacase family. ' Julius thought.

' I should introduce Finral to him. He might get a few pointers. ' Yami thought.


" Heh how did we get here?! " Rill asked.

" Oh, that was Elden. He is a space mage. " Joker said.

" What really? I meet a space mage from the golden dawn but he can't really do what Elden just did. It seems handy. " Rill said.

" It is. Helps gets us to locations faster. But enough of that. It's time to start. " Joker said.

" I know. I'm pretty excited. " Rill said with a battle-crazed look. He took his paintbrush out as he looked at Joker.


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HxH: Infinity

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Have a nice day.