Paranoid Qi Hong

Chapter 79 – Paranoid Qi Hong

"Oh, one of the disciples I fucked taught me a basic strengthening technique."

Xu Miao lied. Obviously, he couldn't say that he had learned from the system.

"Cool. Then, when and where did you usually train?"

Unlike the usual, Qi Hong's tone and voice were unfriendly. She interrogated Xu Miao, asking for the trick he had used to get stronger.

Qi Hong had seen how Xu Miao fought Wei Yuan and Xie Tian. She was sure that nobody had taught him the arts that he used during the assessment trial.

"What? Are you threatening me?"

"That depends on your answer. If you tell me honestly, we can keep our current relationship. If you insist on hiding your little secrets, I will have to take extreme measures to squeeze information from you!"

"Hmm," Xu Miao's face turned solemn.

'Fight, negotiate, compromise, surrender, run, or … kill?'