Emergency Evacuation (1)

Chapter 102 – Emergency Evacuation (1)

Long Meifang was baffled. She was in charge of protecting the carriage, and she could only sense Xu Miao inside. Xu Xiuying, who went missing, shouldn't be in the carriage. 

Still, Long Meifang kept this info to herself. She glared at Dong Zhongying, pretending that the vice master was here, "You heard her. Now, dogs of the imperial family, FUCK OFF, OR ELSE!"

Meanwhile, Dong Zhongying was sweating profusely when he heard Xu Xiuying's voice. 

"X-X-Xu Xiuying!? Why are you still here!? I meant-what happened to the other units that are supposed to occupy you and your mother-"

Long Meifang and all disciples revealed gleaming eyes. The slipped information just now revealed that he had something to do with the disappearance of Xu Xiuying and Xu Lanying. It might be possible that the imperial force had drawn the two bosses away from the city today while these goons came here to seek trouble.