Small World

Chapter 125 – Small World

With an anime pin on his chest, Xu Miao entered the portal and teleported to another location. When he could see everything clearly again, he found himself inside a grand hall with several long counters and clerks. The three cauldron sign of Myriad Cauldron Sect on the ceiling told Xu Miao that he was inside one of their official buildings.

Hundreds of cultivators and alchemists attended to their businesses. A dozen white-robed elders were sitting on lounge sofas, having a loud conversation. More than half of alchemist disciples in green robes were queueing in front of the long counters, waiting to submit their assignment report. A hundred CP hall staff were busy handling paper documents and sorting countless bottles of unknown pills.

Everyone was busy. It reminded Xu Miao about a modern bank office during peak time. Fortunately, no random telephone sound rang here, or it would have been more chaotic.