Home Sweet Home

Chapter 237 – Home Sweet Home

"Oh? They're okay."

Cao Mao hummed as he landed in front of Siren City, where several corpses of Myriad Cauldron Sect's combat alchemists and piles of ash had been gathered.

Ju Shoufen, Pang Lingming, Jia Wenhe, Ma Shoucheng, and Ma Ping had been cleaning the battlefield in front of their city. Even Kang Yan, Ju Chen, and other yin slaves came out to help.

The battle had ended before Cao Mao arrived.

When Cao Mao returned, everyone didn't pay attention to his new appearance as they recognized his life signature and his aura. However, once Ma Ping and other elders turned to welcome the troublemaker, they noticed the changes.

"Miaomiao, have you done something to your orc bloodline?"

Cao Mao tilted his head in confusion. But then, he realized that he had just evolved, but he didn't know how he looked at the moment.