Imperial Martial Tournament – Part 8

Chapter 289 – Imperial Martial Tournament – Part 8

Most contestants entered the stadium and enjoyed the limelight fame. They simply stood there, waving at the crowd as if they were winners in life. 

As several box seats had been occupied, the youngsters thought that powerful clans or sects had come here to scout for disciple candidates. Everyone thought that if they were to perform well, many good sects might recruit them as their disciples. 

These innocent frogs in a well had no clue about the pending danger of the outside world as a group of demons was lurking in this stadium. They were drunk by the temporary glory and fame. 

After the entries of 60 contestants, Lu Fengxian entered the arena. 

Because of his infamous reputation as a weakling, the other contestants shunned him and prevent him from entering the stadium first. He was forced to enter last, so he couldn't admire the scenery in the arena.