Remnants of Dong Zhongying's Forces

Chapter 310 – Remnants of Dong Zhongying's Forces

The next day morning, Ma Ping and Jia Shan gathered the crew for another meeting. 

Luo Cheng and the succubi also participated as they were now their semi-prisoners. As for Xu Xiuying, she was sealed and imprisoned in a storehouse. Ku'er and Ma Moxi were in charge of monitoring her, so they couldn't join the meeting. 

Ma Ping got to the point, "We're going to visit this so-called royal vault. First, we've already sealed Wang Yun and Liu Bian's meridians, and we shall bring them to the vault. Miaomiao, Ju Shoufen, you two will escort Liu Xie to the place with us. As for Master Lu, I need you to stay here and watch over Luo Cheng and the succubi."

In short, Miaomiao, Ju Shoufen, Ma Ping, and Jia Shan would escort Mike, Liu Bian, and Ju Xie to the rumored entrance to the vault. As for the others, they had to stay in the guesthouse to watch over Xu Xiuying and her team.