Tell Me Why

Chapter 355 – Tell Me Why


'I see. Sun Wentai finally made the right decision for once.'


At the courtyard of Sun Clan's residence, Zhou Gongjin gazed at his phone, reading the clan announcement notification.


Sun Wentai had texted everyone in the clan that they had to pack their belongings, weaponry, armory, food supplies, clothing, and household utensils as they had to move out of Jianye City within today.


Secondly, they had to board one of their battleships or transport ships so that they could travel along with the Jiangdong White Tiger Sect's flying island.


Although Sun Wentai didn't clarify why they had to move, Zhou Gongjin figured that it had something to do with the envoy, Cao Mao.


As Zhou Gongjin thought that Miaomiao had completed his mission, he was relieved.