What Supposed to be Xie Tian’s Feud

Chapter 385 – What Supposed to be Xie Tian's Feud


Fang Yanxu stopped speaking. He closed his eyes as he had a private conversation with his former rival.

The bystanders patiently waited for Fang Yanxu in silence. None of them knew what this immortal was doing, but they didn't dare to interject or intervene with his business.

They made the right decision. After all, the conversation between Nero and Fang Yanxu wasn't pleasant.

'Hand me that bastard, black dragon!'

'Pfft. You wanted to kill your own daughter, but once she has a family, you want to kill her husband and ruin her happiness? How abusive can you be? Are you taking after Kishin Douji now? I thought you were as righteous as Samsara.'

'That's none of your business! The exile tribulation will cleanse her soul of her previous life's sins! Now, because she has sowed familial karma with your disciple, I need to kill him to sever that tie!'