Group Heaven Tribulations

Chapter 445 – Group Heaven Tribulations


Many world guardians stared at Miaomiao in disbelief. They searched for the compound element crystal or the fragment, but they found nothing.


The only clue was Miaomiao's dantian, which emitted the faint power of an unknown element.


One of the guardians closed his eye and sighed. He told his colleagues, "This brat is probably trying to cultivate a compound element. Let him finish and give him the Heaven Tribulation he deserves."


"Are you sure?" Many other guardians doubted it.


"There is no physical evidence about the forming of the compound element crystal. We can't give him a tribulation according to the law."


"Then, let's wait until he completes it. Even if he doesn't create the compound element crystal, we still have to give him a few tribulations since he already skipped so many."