Kingdom Building

Chapter 668 – Kingdom Building

A hundred deities and an unrestrained sage came out of the portal, taking the first step to the medium continent realm.

The unrestrained sage was one of the six disciples of Hongjun. He came out along with 100 representatives of Heavenly Dao Universe's faction to scout and secure the medium realm.

Jieyin's eyes swiftly shifted from left to right, scanning through the continent with his wide vision and superior sense of an unrestrained sage.

As they had seen from the satellite map of Pangu, the continent was in a square shape with three massive portals at the three corners. However, one of the corners was unoccupied.

The unoccupied corner was located between Heavenly Dao Faction's portal and the Chaos Realm Faction's portal. Meanwhile, the Player Faction was on the opposite side, which was furthest away from the strategic corner.