Exploding Power Scale

Chapter 711 – Exploding Power Scale

By being ganged on, Heavenly Dao Faction's representatives got pushed back to their base. Ma Moxi, Meng Xin, and Clem pushed the wave to the front of their base.

The resurrection cooldown time got longer, but the speed of the minions got faster and stronger. In less than 10 seconds, more waves hit the tower.

All-Heaven Sage managed to lose Xie Tian and teleported back to his base to defend. However, without Eve and others, he was outnumbered.

Meanwhile, a lone gunner from the player faction managed to destroy two towers of Heavenly Dao's bottom lane. Now, he was solo-pushing another wave.

Being besieged from two fronts, All-Heaven Sage was anxious. He upgraded his item and completed his mythic item. Then, he rushed out to pick on the weakest link at the bottom lane first.