4: The red bird that caused it all

"B-brother, are you in there?" A soft yet alluring voice was heard behind the wooden door, a short girl bout the age of 7 slowly opened the door and peeked inside, she was the very definition of a goddess like loli..

She had a head of long black hair and a small petite face, she wore dirty clothes that seemed to be torn and ripped, she was slightly skeptical was she peered into the wooden building.

"Xiao xiao I'm here, come inside" Li fan was startled as he noticed his sister, a certain flame erupted in his heart at the thought of having a family member, he silently swore to protect her with all his might, seeing her caused the cold temperature to become normal instantly.

Hearing his voice Li xiao's fearful face changed as she rushed inside and rushed into Li fan's embrace, dropping the small white creature in her arms.

"Xiao xiao, you....did you go out to hunt?" Li fan was shocked and his face was pale, Li xiao wasn't a cultivator, it would be very dangerous for her to go out hunting..

"Brother, you looked so exhausted so I decided to catch this small horned bunny, it looked really cute but I had to kill it" Li xiao said as she pouted, small tears formed at her eyes as she looked at the pitiful horned bunny That laid on the wooden floor as blood dropped out of its head, it was most likely smashed by a rock to death..

"Haha, it's fine, brother is ok, come on let's eat" Li fan patted her head causing her to giggle, he then noticed through a small crack that the sun was slowly setting...


With the help of Li xiao, Li fan managed to clean the soft bunny in a small pond behind their run-down home, they then made a small fire after skinny the white bunny and then began to cook it, they happily picked up sticks and pierces the cooked pieces of meat.

The two siblings happily ate the meat and laughed as the sun slowly set...

Li fan placed Li xiao on the small bed and watched as she slept..

"D...don't leave me brother" Li xiao said softly as she twisted and turned in the bed..

Li fan tucked her in slowly, he then left the wooden shack and stared at the vast forest surrounding them...

"Li fan, what kind of brother are you?, she could've been eaten" Li fan said helplessly, he knew exactly how dangerous this world was without any strength.

The beast he had ran into wasn't the most powerful, but it was still strong enough to destroy him, due to another monster entering its territory Li fan was let out from the grasps of the ferocious beast..

"Fuck, I Li fan can't take this lying down, I have to get revenge" Li fan roared, even though he was the one who invaded the beasts territory he could care less, as a transmigrated wouldn't it be embarrassing and stupid of him not to take revenge for his predecessor.


With a light jump Li fan grabbed a thick tree brach and swung off towards the foot of the mountain..

The mountain itself was huge, only half of it was truly overtaken by nature, while another half was barren and rocky..

The beast that had killed his predecessor was a flaming eagle which was perched up on a tall and old tree, the old Li fan had noticed the birds eggs and decided to snatch it, which ended up in his miserable situation..

Li fan felt very confident in dealing with this beast, with his cultivation and overpowered cultivation technique he was sure he would destroy that fiery bird..

Plus he had an advantage over it, the heavenly lotus art gave him control over ice, which would help heavily when dealing with the bird..

Li fan jumped off a tree and continued rushing across the rocky landscape..


After a while he stood before a huge tree which would take atleast 10 adult men to hug it..

Li fan lifted his head and looked at the tree, the sun hand completely set yet, which gave him a little sunlight..

Li fan noticed a Eagle the size of two heads laying leisurely on a nest as it snuggled two small red eggs..

"Haha, I like chicken the most" a cold light flashed in Li fan's eyes, this beast could be considered to have 2nd stage body refining rank cultivation, yet the old Li fan was ripped to shreds and couldn't even fight back, even if it was just one stage higher than him at that time, at least he should've been able to run away with injuries instead of dying..

"F*ck, what am I saying, if it wasn't because of that flower pot and This dumb bird I wouldn't be here" Li fan seemed enlightened as he looked at the bird with a slight bit of admiration..

"F*ck, I still have to kill it or I can't call myself a protagonist" Li fan roared ferociously and leaped onto a large branch of the tree.

He truly felt bad for the bird since it would die so soon..

The flame eagle seemed to notice his ferocious roar as it was startle, after realizing the situation it became angry, it had let the human go, yet it was actually back for more?, was this guy an idiot?

If the bird could talk these would have been its words, it raised its sharp claws, making them flash with a cold light in the dark..

The fiery bird maneuvered in the sky before gliding at a tremendous speed towards Li fan, it was like a golden bullet as it rushed towards him...

Yet in Li fan's eyes the speed of the eagle was like that of a turtle.

A strange white light wrapped around his arms as he let out a ferocious roar filled with killing intent, the temperature seemed to drop tremendously as he punched out with all his strength!!!