10: the divine beast egg

Somewhere below the foot of the mountain below where Li fan and Li xiao lived peacefully, in a large and bustling village, inside a huge courtyard decorated by flower beds and lakes..

Inside a small room, young master bai laid there on the bed while a few young beauties affectionately touched his broken legs and rubbed his stomach..

A middle-aged man looked sternly at young master bai as his eyes flashed with a strange light, he seemed to be in deep thought..

"Dad you must avenge me, that bastard even said that our family were nothing but gay turtles" young master bai said with a little spice as he smirked in his mind at Li fan's misfortune.

"F*ck, The sects exam's will take place soon, and I have to join it to gain the best resources, only then will our family rule this small village" the middle-aged man shouted softly and said, large amounts of confidence were in his eyes as he displayed his cultivation..

He was actually at the 5th stage of the body refining realm!

One had to be atleast at the 5th stage to take the outer sect trials, but even so barely any martial artists were able to make it, only because of the difficulty of the exams..

There were many mortals planning on joining these immortal cultivation sects, so the sect had no other choice but to weed out the problems!

"Don't worry, I will teach that worthless brat a lesson" the middle-aged man looked at his son calmly, but he was still scolding his son in his mind for losing to Li fan..

~Ah~ the middle-aged man closed the door and left after a while, and young master bai continued playing with the beauties, they playfully pushed him away, but the excitement on their face showed a lot!

"Young master bai you are so naughty" another lady said as she noticed young master bai grab her creamy thighs..

"Haha, no one offends me and gets away with it, Li fan, I want to see torment you so bad, even with your strength you will still become a slave to me" young master bai laughed hysterically, yet he still felt bitter at the fact that Li fan was a lot stronger than himself, he got aggressive at the thought and became rough with the beauties!


Back on the mountain peak, Li xiao sat next to a small group of flowers as she watched Li fan train his sword arts, occasionally clapping here and there, she didn't know how her brother got so strong, after all she knew her brothers strength more than anyone else, even so she felt happy for him, they didn't have to go hungry for days now.

Li fan's sword was like a vicious snake as it lashed out at a huge boulder in front of him, a thin string of Qi accompanied each of his strikes, the force behind his attacks was enough to make the winds howl loudly..


The huge boulder front of Li fan shattered into pieces, leaving only the bottom and a ice sculpture at the bottom, Li fan's control over the sword had reached a monstrous level thanks to the Lunar wave sword art..

The sculpture he had created was that of a Phoenix, it was slightly shabby but one could fiver it out after a while..

"Brother I like it, it's so cute" xiao'er hugged him before running towards the small sculpture, she had never seen anything like it!

Li fan wiped the sweat from his forehead and placed his sword back into his inventory, his cultivation hadn't increased much in these three days, but his sword techniques had definitely boosted his strength by two folds..

[Ding! Mission completed!

Task: master the [Lunar-Wave Sword Art]

Reward: random divine beast egg (sent to inventory)

Time limit: 4 days] the system's mechanical voice was heard once again, Li fan wasn't startled at all, he hurriedly opened his inventory..

His rank-1 sword occupied the first box, and next to it was a small white egg..

Li fan instantly pulled it out after reading the description!!

[item: divine beast egg

Species: ?????]

The egg felt warm to Li fan, it was also about half the size of his head..

He held it up securely as he inspected it..

"Brother what animals egg is that?" Li xiao asked as she approached him, she had a confused look on her pretty face!

"This egg has a legendary beast in it, make sure to take care of it well, once it hatches we can give it a name" Li fan thought for a while and said, he then handed the egg to Li xiao..

He planned to have her look after it, once the egg hatches she will have someone to play with, and Li fan could cultivate in peace, plus the divine beast could definitely protect her, he just hoped it wasn't some planet sized Xuan wu turtle..

Li fan paled at the thought as he watched Li xiao carry the egg around the small shack and talked to it as if it could hear her.

Li fan opened his status screen to have a look, it had been a while since he had taken a look!

[Name: Li fan

Age: 16


Art: [Heavenly lotus art]

Cultivation: 5th stage body refining

Skills:[Lunar-Wave Sword Art] a holographic screen appeared before him and displayed his stats, Li fan quickly noticed the new "pet" words that appeared, he knew they weren't there before!

Li fan became curious as he saw the question marks next to the "pet" category, he decided to throw that to the back of his mind since he wouldn't get an answer from the system regardless..

"Hello! Esteemed being system!!"Li fan said as he smiled...

[what! Host!] the system answered mechanically, but if it could say more it would definitely say [this is the first host I have had that actually respects me for everything I do] you could even feel the pain in its voice!

That's if it really said those words..