16: Soaring cloud sect

"We are here" the elderly man driving the caravan came to a sudden stop and softly said while turning to look at Li fan..

Li fan nodded and handed the old man a gold coin as a tip and then walked out with his sister..

"F*ck, what is this?" Li fan cursed in his mind as he saw the scene in front of him, there was a huge golden gate at the foot of a tall and imposing mountain, At least three times the size of the one they lived on..

The most noticeable thing was the fact that there were people of many ages crowded around the gate, there were elderly people, young people around the same age as Li fan, and even younger people dressed luxuriously as if they hailed from some supreme cultivation family..

"Li xiao, stay next to me, don't want around" Li fan felt a headache and reminded Li xiao to stay close to him, there could be weirdos in this crowd..


"We still have a few more hours before the sect competition starts, why are those bastards going crazy?" A luxuriously dressed youth said, he was surrounded by many imposing lackeys, this was definitely a young master, but Li fan couldn't tell which kind he was..

"F*ck, who are you calling a bastard pretty boy?, I like cute boys like you the most" another bulky muscular man shouted as he heard that..

"Stop touching my ass" another man shouted and nearly slapped the man behind him.

The whole place was in a ruckus..

Li fan wiped his imaginary sweat and walked forward, making sure to keep a short distance from the crowd.

Li fan looked around, there weren't many female's who were able to reach the 5th stage of the body refining realm, there were at least 10 in this group of 50!

Li fan didn't bat an eye to them after that, he came to the cultivation world to become an immortal and rise to the heavens, not spent half his lifespan chasing women just to deal with jealous young masters..



A loud bang was heard as the huge golden gate exploded and its huge doors swung open, causing many people to jump back unconsciously.

Three males walked out, they all wore blue robes as they calmly looked at the group before them..

"I welcome you all to the soaring cloud sect, I am one of the senior outer disciples here at the sect, it's a pleasure to meet you" even though the youth said this, his face wasn't that of pleasure, he had a cold and expressionless face..

The loud and rowdy crowd seemed to stop and become serious as they noticed the youths expression, no one was willing to continue causing a ruckus at the gates of an immortal sect, plus the pressure released by these three outer sect disciples..

"Now as long as any of you can climb to the peak of this mountain, you can be considered disciples of the soaring cloud sect" the leading youth pointed towards the huge steps leading towards the peak of the mountain...

One again the crowd was set in an uproar..

"F*ck, it's so easy?, why didn't I bring my pet wolf here to see if he can join as well"

"What bullshit is this, is it that easy to join the sect?"


Li fan looked at the huge steps and felt a slightly pressure, it was unnoticeable to him at first, but after a while he could feel it clearly..

"I knew it, the test can't be this easy" Li fan knew this was the legendary mountain which released pressure onto people that walked up..


"Now, no more talking, you can all beginC good luck to you all" the youth said and smiled as he stepped to the side of the gate..

Someone whispered to another person and said "good luck my ass, if I can't climb this mountain then I might as well jump off of it and try to reach heaven" he said hysterically..

He didn't dare say it too loud..

"Move out of my way"

"F*ck off"

"Why are you still touching my ass"

They crowd became rowdy once again as everyone rushed past the gates and dashed towards the mountain steps..

Li fan ignored him and led Li xiao towards one of the sect disciples..

"Senior, is if possible to bring my little sister along, she has no where to go if I were to join the sect" Li xiao bowed respectfully and asked the youth who had talked before..

The youth raised an eyebrow and smiled at Li fan, his cold attitude dropped..

"Junior brother, only inner sect disciples and core disciples have a large amount of servants, but since this is your sister, you will only need to pay a fine of 20 gold coins, but remember, you can only give her your own resources you bought, the sect won't allocate monthly resources to her, of course you can give her those if you want" the youth smiled and looked at Li fan with a little interest..

Li fan pulled out 20 gold coins and handed them to the youth..

"Junior sister, just follow this small path, it will lead you up the mountain to your brother, plus their is no pressure" the youth said as he looked and Li xiao..

Li fan sighed as he watched Li xiao climb the smaller steps towards the mountain peak while hugging xiao Hong, with the baby Phoenix next to her he didn't fear anything..

Li fan bid farewell to the outer sect disciples and walked through the gates..

Just as he had expected, there were many people laying on the stone steps as they groaned..

Li fan shook his head and nearly laughed, the many bodies laying on the ground made it look kind of funny..

"Why did they even underestimate the sect" Li fan thought as he looked around and took his first step onto the stone steps..