"You have a choice," I uttered, my voice steady yet cold. As the weight of my words hung in the air, we sat in an uneasy silence. I fixated my gaze upon him, observing every subtle movement, every flicker of fear that danced across his trembling body. I bided my time, allowing my words to seep into his consciousness, to grasp at his very soul until he felt utterly powerless. And when the moment was ripe, he finally broke the silence.

"Your majesty, I humbly implore you to show kindness and release me," he pleads in a trembling voice.

I couldn't help but smirk, responding, "Ah, but I am granting you mercy. You had the opportunity to behold the nakedness of my concubine, so it seems only fair that I have the chance to witness yours as well.

This is a reasonable request to avoid punishment and save the honor of the esteemed House of Zheng. I believe the general would not take your actions lightly."

He anxiously bites his lip, and I find amusement in his discomfort.

"Now, be a compliant individual and shed those robes, allowing me to discern how I should proceed with you."

He reluctantly started to peel off his already undone robe, his bottom lip caught between his teeth. Tears streamed down his cheeks, and the weight of shame was evident on his face.

I felt no compulsion to halt my actions; in fact, it only fueled my desire to witness his obedience, unable to resist my command, even if every fiber of his being longed to defy me. Fight me, little bird, for the more you struggle, the tighter I shall confine you. A sob escaped his lips as the flimsy fabric slipped from his body. I approached him, and he must have been lost in his thoughts, for his eyes widened when I leaned down and gently licked away the tear on his cheek.

"What are you doing?" he stammered, his body retreating until his back pressed against the wall. I released my hair from its knot, letting it cascade over my shoulders, and untied the string holding my robe, exposing my bare chest to him. His eyes widened at my actions, and tears continued to flow from them. He brought his knees up to his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around them, curling into himself. He watched my every move, his gaze never leaving me; indeed, he looked like a trapped bird. I sat on the bed near him, leaning my head toward his knees and placing gentle kisses upon them.

"P-please stop this.." I am a boy sire please release me back to fu shung my mu quin awaits my return." he sobbed.

With a firm grip on his ankle, I skillfully extended his legs, determined to prevail against his resistance. As a strange force took hold of me, an overwhelming desire surged within, enveloping me with an intense craving to explore every inch of his being. Gently releasing him from the wall, his back met the softness of the bed, his eyes locking onto mine, witnessing the untamed predator within me. Amidst his tears and desperate pleas, he implored with increasing volume.

"I beg you, please, please cease..."

Despite his desperate sobs, his pleas seemed to dissipate into the air, unheard by my ears. Straddling his bare form, he thrashed against me, launching coordinated punches towards my chest.

It became evident that he possessed skill in combat, yet his strength paled in comparison to mine. Without hesitation, I seized his throat, rendering him motionless. His immense black eyes locked onto mine, a silent exchange of defiance and fear.

Leaning closer, I captured his trembling, ruby lips, engaging in a fervent kiss fueled by an uncontrollable passion. My tongue grazed his quivering bottom lip, seeking entrance, but he resisted. In response, I tightened my grip around his throat, eliciting a gasp. Seizing the opportunity, I plunged my tongue into his mouth, savoring the taste of his essence.

I let out a moan as the taste of his sweet nectar engulfed my senses. However, my pleasure was abruptly interrupted when he sank his teeth into my tongue, causing me to withdraw my mouth with a hiss of pain. I gazed at him, tears still streaming down his face, yet within his eyes, I glimpsed a spark of determination that told me he would resist me until the bitter end. A smirk formed on my lips, for nothing delighted me more than the challenge of taming a wild animal. Leaning down, I trailed my tongue along the shell of his ear, whispering softly.

In a daring move, my hands ventured between his thighs, initiating a sensual massage upon his manhood. His eyes fluttered shut, his breaths becoming ragged as he struggled to stifle his moans. With a teasing touch, my thumb glided along the length of his hardened desire, spreading the essence that had gathered at its tip. His body convulsed beneath my touch, overwhelmed by the sensations I invoked. However, as I made a motion to release myself from confinement, his resistance intensified, his determination to resist me growing fiercer.

In a bold display of intimacy, my hands ventured towards the area between his legs, embarking on a provocative massage that aimed to ignite pleasure. A serene expression washed over his face as his breaths grew uneven, attempting to suppress any sounds of pleasure that threatened to escape.

With a gentle and teasing stroke, my thumb elegantly glided along the length of his heightened desire, spreading the essence that had collected at its apex.

His body trembled beneath my touch, overwhelmed by the sensations that I stirred within him. However, as I made a gesture to liberate myself from constraint, his resistance surged, his determination to resist me growing stronger.

As he swiftly retaliated with a forceful kick, my balance faltered for a brief moment, allowing him to seize the opportunity and free himself. Just as he attempted to escape the confines of the bed, I grasped his hair firmly, eliciting a pained cry from him.

I clicked my tongue disapprovingly, keeping him restrained face-down on the bed.

"Now, Cai Lung..." I began, my voice laced with disappointment. "That was not a kind gesture, kicking your emperor like that. I believe you must face some consequences."

"I despise you! I despise you!" he protested, his voice muffled against the sheets. "I am a boy, not a woman. You should not subject me to these actions, please, Your Majesty, let me go..."

I couldn't help but chuckle as I leaned closer, letting him sense my anticipation. Gently, I pulled back, fixating on the curve of his behind. With one hand keeping him steady, I reveled in the sight of those flawless peaks, longing to take hold of me. My desire intensified when I noticed his delicate rosy center, eagerly awaiting my touch. I grasped my throbbing arousal, yearning to plunge into the comforting heat he offered.

"Shang Shang..." the messenger's voice echoed outside the chamber, interrupting the intimate moment with Cai Lun. My grip still firm on the back of his head, I turned my attention towards the disturbance.

"How close are they?" I inquired, my voice laced with urgency.

"They will reach Wen Jang Pass in just over a day, Your Majesty," the eunuch replied. I licked my lips, torn between the delectable feast before me and the impending threat.

"Prepare my armor," I commanded, exhaling a sigh as I reluctantly tore my gaze away from Cai Lung. "Inform the general that we shall ride forth to confront the enemy's army."

In a state of pure ecstasy, his body twisted and turned, his back arching as his lips formed a perfect "O." His eyes widened, shimmering with tears, and his flushed face revealed his profound pleasure. With a deep groan, I released my essence all over him, my body trembling with satisfaction.

As I sat there, waiting for my composure to return, I leaned down to kiss his lips tenderly. Casting one final glance at him, I rose from the bed, leaving him lying motionless on his back, tears streaming down his face. I washed my hands in the nearby bin, carefully retrieving and readjusting my robes from the floor. Making my way towards the door, I gently slid it open, pausing for a moment, unable to resist turning back to steal another glimpse of him

"You are to remain within these quarters," I sternly instructed him before walking out of the room and smoothly closing the doors behind me. The sight of the maids kneeling outside, patiently waiting for my departure before entering, reassured me of their loyalty.

"Ensure his cleanliness and provide him with sustenance," I commanded the maids, my voice firm and unwavering. "I will be dispatching guards to secure the doors. No one is permitted entry. Lady Ling, relocate her to a different location until my return. Is that understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," they responded in unison, their heads bowed as I left them in their kneeling position. Making my way towards the strategy room, my mind focused on the matters at hand.