We were several days and a few hours away from reaching the capital's pass. The snow continued to fall relentlessly, painting the sky with a somber shade of grey, hinting at an impending storm. As we ventured further into the northern territory, the snowfall intensified and the biting cold seemed to penetrate our bones. It had been five long nights of travel with scarce rest when we finally caught sight of the first inn. Cautiously scanning our surroundings, our leader, Dark, made the decision to seek refuge and rest at the inn along the path. The weather had taken a turn for the worse, and continuing without proper rest in such conditions would only invite trouble.

We steered our horses towards the small inn, its lanterns illuminating the exterior, yet its wooden doors firmly shut, signaling that it had retired for the night. Dark pulled his hood over his head and dismounted his horse, and I followed suit, helping Meixiang down from her horse. We trailed closely behind Dark as he approached the door and knocked. We waited anxiously for a minute until voices could be heard from within.

"Coming, coming."

A lady's voice echoed through the door. With a jerk, the door opened, revealing a petite elderly woman. Her scrutinizing gaze swept over us, her eyes lingering on me and Meixiang before finally settling on Dark, who stood closest to her.

"How may I assist you youngsters at this late hour?" she inquired. Stepping forward, I took the initiative to speak before Dark could utter a word. I couldn't afford for us to be turned away tonight due to any unfavorable impression he might make.

"Aunty, are there any available rooms? We are in need of a night's rest," I requested politely. She studied us once more before motioning for us to enter.

"Please, have a seat. I'll fetch some tea and bread from the kitchen." she offered. upon her return she informed us. "We currently have two available rooms, so you and one of your companions will need to share."

I informed Dark, who seemed unfazed by the news posted himself in a Connor by the front doors.

"But keep in mind that the price remains the same for all three of you, which amounts to 3 tael." the woman from the kitchen chimed in." (Author's Note: 3 tael = 3 silver pieces = 10 mace each, totaling 30 mace for all 3).

"Isn't that quite steep for just one night?" Dark grumbled in a less-than-friendly tone. I shot him a glare, urging him to keep quiet. We didn't have much choice at the moment.

"I don't see another inn in sight for at least another day's ride." I added, gesturing to the desolate surroundings. Dark seemed determined to question the price, despite what he saw outside. Ignoring my glare, he patiently waited for the lady to return with our warm meals. Placing the dishes before us on the table, she proceeded to light a lantern within the inn.

"The price includes the food." she clarified. "Breakfast and dinner are also provided if you choose to stay until later in the evening." "But it's up to you to decide. Just keep in mind that the next inn is a two-day journey away." she added.

Before Dark could even utter a word, I beat him to it. "That's perfectly fine, aunty, We'll pay." I said, offering her a reassuring smile.

"Well, alright then. Two taels now and the remaining upon departure." she confirmed.

"Aunty, is there a place where we can stable our horse for the night?" I politely inquired. "Some food and water would be greatly appreciated." Dark paused, his hand still in his pouch, where he was retrieving the silver pieces. He scrutinized the woman, waiting to see if she would demand an additional fee for accommodating our horses.

"Dai Ming Li! Dai Ming Li!" the Aunty called out.

"What? I'm trying to get some sleep here." a gruff voice answered from upstairs. The voice echoed down from the upper level of the inn.

"We have more guests, come and tend to their horses!" the Aunty called back. There was a thump and some rustling, followed by the creaking of floorboards as whoever it was made their way down the stairs. A young boy, no older than fourteen, appeared at the top of the staircase. Despite his youthful face, his body was that of a man. He walked past us, muttering about why there were guests at this hour of the night, before disappearing out the front door.

"Well now, your horses will be well-fed and rested," the Aunty said. She extended her hand towards Dark, who placed two silver pieces in her palm. She examined them closely before disappearing behind the counter. When she returned, she handed him a written piece of paper.

"Room ten and eleven," she said. "When you're finished, just head on up." she added before vanishing once more.

"Well, we should go and rest if we want to leave at first light." I suggested. "I'll share with Dark in room ten, and you, Meixiang, can take room eleven." I told her.

Meixiang simply nodded while sipping her tea. I knew she felt uncomfortable with us, and Dark's constant glares weren't making things any easier. Sighing, I pushed back from the table and stood up. I was drained and in dire need of sleep.

"I'm turning in, are you coming?" I asked Meixiang. She nodded and stood up. We made our way towards the rooms at the top of the stairs. I would have to ask for some warm water to wash up in the morning. Not wanting to trouble the inn owner at this late hour any further tonight, I decided to forgo that and head straight to bed.

I stopped in front of room ten and slid the doors open. Turning to Meixiang, who stood in front of her own room, I bid her goodnight before entering and closing the door behind me.

Mi Ling:

The celebration in the capital was in full swing as the bride passed through, guards carrying a grand rig adorned in red and white. She was being carried to the temple where the ceremony would be performed, since she was a princess from another country, after the would be carried back to the palace to be crowned and finish the ceremony there. I was on cloud nine with joy, All that I had fought for, for so long, was finally mine and mine alone. Nothing could break me now. The only concern troubling me was His Highness, who seemed preoccupied lately. He had been preparing the garden house palace for something, and everyone knew it was the most beautiful place in the palace.

The garden palace house, got its named for its lush surroundings, and breathtaking place. It served as the emperors personal getaway, complete with its own pond and seclusion from the rest of the palace. If the emperor were to gift that place to anyone, it would be his wife or favorite concubine. So, I couldn't help but wonder who he was preparing it for. If it were his wedding gift to me, my own private sanctuary separated from the rest of the palace, it would make me incredibly happy. The thought brought a smile to my face.

I reminisced about the challenges I had faced in climbing the ranks within the harem. I had even resorted to poisoning Mao Ting Ting, causing her to miscarry when I first entered the palace. Unfortunately, Ting Ting had died after that incident. I had felt guilty at the time, but now, nothing could stop me from standing above them all as the empress and mother of the empire.

Mu Yang:

I stood in my favorite spot, picturing him sitting there, sipping afternoon tea while gazing into the garden, waiting for my arrival. Once I had him in my grasp, I had no intention of ever letting him go. He would turn over his shoulder, a precious smile gracing his face as he heard of my arrival. Without wasting a moment, I would hold him tightly, bring him to bed, and love his body the way I had always desired.

"Your Highness, we must go. The ceremony will begin soon, and you are already late." the new Left Minister Wong reminded me, bringing me back to reality. Sighing, I turned and left, spotting a maid on my way out. I approached her and stopped.

"It's still a bit stuffy in there. Burn some incense and make sure the rugs in the rooms are white fur." I instructed her.

"Yes, Your majesty." she acknowledged. I made my way to the courtyard and mounted my horse. The ride to the temple was short, but my thoughts were consumed with whether he would love the place I had prepared for him.