Unbeknownst to me until this very moment, the descent down the stairs seemed to stretch on for an eternity. When I finally reached the bottom step, an inexplicable force held me in place, rendering me immobile. And there he stood, engaged in a fierce clash with my would-be assassin. His dark locks cascaded freely around him, swaying with the night breeze, while his graceful figure moved with elegance as he gestured and argued with the man. His lips, a vibrant shade of red, moved incessantly as he spoke without pause, and his pale complexion glowed under the moonlight, accentuating the beauty of his angry voice echoing off the palace walls.

I found myself entranced, trapped in a spell cast by Cai Lung, unable to break free. By the gods, the boy was even more stunning than I had remembered. Before anyone else noticed, the observant groundskeeper caught sight of me and immediately dropped to his knees, announcing my presence to the rest. In an instant, everything came to a halt, and everyone followed suit, bowing down—everyone, except him. His wide, round eyes fixated on me, his mouth agape, attempting to form words. His face flushed crimson as he nervously bit down on his lower lip. I offered him a gentle smile and began to approach, closing the distance between us.

He remained frozen in place, as if unable to move, as I advanced towards him. We stood so close that I could feel his breath against my chest. Tilting his head slightly, I studied his features intently while he continued to nibble on his lip. I reached up with my thumb to alleviate the torment inflicted upon that plump flesh, and then I leaned in, intending to capture his lips with mine. In response, he trembled at my touch, so instead, I leaned towards his ear and whispered.

"Welcome home, my love."

before the emperors arrival Cai lung POV:

"Who do you think you are, to dictate my actions, My father must be extremely worried, he probably doesn't even know what to say to my mother, who must believe I am either dead or in a worse state." I shouted angrily into the darkness.

"Now move!" I pointed at Dark, realizing he was blocking my path to the Dragon Palace. I had to admit, I was attempting to escape from the inevitable, but everything I said was true. I wanted to know if my uncle had informed my mother about what had happened. If he did, I needed to bring her some comfort. However, this stubborn individual refused to budge.

"If you don't move." I began to say, but someone called out.

"Your Highness!"

I didn't want to look, my inner voice warned me not to. But curiosity got the better of me, and when I glanced, by the gods, he was magnificent. Standing there with the air of an emperor, exuding grace, power, and beauty. I froze, our eyes locked, and it felt as though we were the only two beings in the world. My heart started to race to the point of painful throbbing in my chest. This man, whom I both despised and had unexplainable feelings for, had become an incessant source of internal conflict. Each passing day, he became a subject of debate within my mind. Yet, here he was, looking at me as if he had found his soulmate.

And then he moved, slowly approaching me, and I was unable to escape in time. Desperate to ground myself, I bit my lip forcefully, drawing blood to provide some semblance of control. He reached for me, releasing my lip from its grip and tilting my head to meet his stern yet gentle gaze. He had soft eyes, when did he develop such softness? My mind raced, absorbing every minute detail of his face in that moment. He leaned closer, and my breath hitched, fearing he would kiss me in the open. I instinctively flinched away, but his hand wrapped around my waist, keeping me close. Before I knew it, his lips were against my ear, whispering.

"Welcome home, my love." My resolve to leave shattered into countless fragments. My body trembled in his embrace, and then darkness enveloped me.

MU Yang POV:

Talk about déjà vu. Gently cradling him in my embrace, I proceeded towards the exquisite Garden Palace. Although I longed to bring him back to my chambers, I sensed his unease earlier and knew that awakening in my bed would not bode well. My utmost desire was for his comfort upon waking. Avoiding any further complications within the court, I resolved to reveal my true intentions to him when morning arrived. Curiosity stirred within me, wondering how he would respond upon discovering that I intended to keep him by my side, bound to me for eternity.

Retracing my steps was now inconceivable. He felt weightless in my arms, lighter than my memory recalled. Bathed in the gentle glow of moonlight, I carried him to the meticulously prepared sanctuary I had created for us. It was the most enchanting corner of my palace, perfectly befitting his presence.I yearned to express my deep affection for him, something that eluded my face and words most of the time.

"Send away all the attendants." I instruct my trusted companion as we approach the entrance. I desired this evening to be solely for the two of us.

"Yes, your highness." He responds promptly, scurrying off into the residence.

I step inside, traversing the main hall, and enter the room that will soon become our sanctuary. Gently, I lay him down on his back, but the moment his body touches the plush fabric, he instinctively rolls onto his side, embracing himself. I contemplate pulling away, but he grasps onto my hand, murmuring something barely audible. Gradually, his breathing steadies, and he succumbs to relaxation, sinking into the bed. I position myself behind him, drawing him closer into my loving embrace. Inhaling his intoxicating scent, I close my eyes, and before long, I drift off to sleep, feeling content with the warmth of his body entwined with mine.