Cai Lung observed as the Empress departed, then turned to Mexaing and inquired.

"What do you think that was about?"

Mexaing followed closely behind as they walked back into the courtyard. "It must be something of great importance for her to forget why she came here." Mexaing replied.

Cai Lung did not give the Empress any further consideration. "Alright, take me to see the crown prince." He commanded, and they made their way back to the mansion. Li Ling paced anxiously inside her room, unsure of what to do or who to rely on now that things had escalated to this point. She nervously bit her nails, the decree had already been passed. Before she could think of a way out, she heard shouting coming from the main hall.

" Empress Li Ling, please come out! We are here to escort you upon His Majesty's orders."

Mu Yang POv


"This humble servant kowtows to His Majesty,. the man kneeled before Mu Yang, holding a couple of scrolls in his hands.

"You may rise."

Mu Yang gestured with his hand. All he wanted was to leave the court and be by Cai's side.


The state preceptor stood up and handed the scrolls to Eunuch Sang. Eunuch Sang took them and walked up to the podium, handing them over to Mu Yang. The Emperor opened the first scroll, already knowing what he would find enclosed. As he read each one, Mu Yang angrily threw them at his officials in front of him. The officials were too frightened to even glance at the scrolls, afraid of what had enraged their Emperor.

The room fell silent as Mu Yang read, the only sound being the loud "thump" as the scrolls touched the marble floor. The officials wiped sweat from their foreheads, trembling in fear. Finally finished reading the last scroll, Mu Yang knew everything that had been reported. This was his kingdom, and anyone who dared to covet what was his would face his wrath. Blood would be shed this day.

"Report to the court." Mu Yang commanded.

Leaning back on his throne, he watched the cowardly officials with eyes like a tiger, eager to see their reactions. It was time to purge them all. Bowing, the state preceptor turned towards the officials.

"Upon His Majesty's orders, we conducted an investigation on a hidden residence in Fu Shang." As he spoke, Mu Yang observed the right Minister, who anxiously wiped at his forehead. The right Minister knew he was in trouble, feeling the cold stare on him.

"During the investigation," the state preceptor continued. "we discovered that it was a training ground filled with soldiers. It turned out to be a secret army, but its purpose was unclear. We continued to monitor the place and found that on the first of every month, a page boy from the residence would leave in the early morning and return late afternoon. We followed the boy and discovered him sneaking into the side door of an old tea house near the border. We kept a close watch on that side door and eventually found the personal servant of the right Minister." he continued.

"the head maid of the Empress, and the personal guard of the Empress Dowager." Gasps filled the room as the Mu faction cried out.


This was their opportunity to gain full control over the court by eliminating the right faction.

"Everyone, please be quiet!" Eunuch Sang shouted. "Let the state preceptor finish his report."

"We captured the boy and found a letter on his person. Inside, it revealed the secret location of His Majesty's army and the route they would be traveling. We believe this is how the army was ambushed by the Mongolia's, and how the secret location was leaked. The boy confessed that the secret army was planning to raid and capture the capital while the Emperor was away and the Empress gave birth. However, because the Emperor did not die, they had to postpone their plans for now."

The state preceptor finished his report and bowed, the others following suit. The court remained eerily silent. Mu Yang sat high on his throne, surveying the right fraction. They had all followed the right Minister, and now he wondered if they would still support him.

"Does the right faction have anything to say?" His voice remained calm, but those who knew the Emperor understood that he was beyond enraged. The Mu fraction crumbled to the ground, their voices trembling with fury. "Eliminate the traitor, death to those who defy the crown!" they roared in unison.

The left fraction, though not yet successful in ousting the mu clan, joined in the fervent shouting, knowing that with the removal of their leader, they would be one step closer to victory. The Wang clan's influence posed a formidable challenge, but now that Minister Wang had sealed his own fate, the demise of the clan was inevitable, and their voices grew louder with determination. Minister Wang, from the right faction, realized he had no bargaining power left. However, if he could save his family, there was hope for them to rise again.

"Please spare my family," he pleaded, bowing down until his forehead turned crimson and he trembled in fear. That woman had assured him that all evidence was erased, but he should have known better. The emperor's watchful eyes were everywhere, and he should have taken matters into his own hands.

"Listen to me! Let my decree be heard." proclaimed Mu Yang. "The right minister is malevolent and unjust. He conspired with outsiders to incite rebellion. Strip him of his title, arrest the Wang clan, and spare no one who attempts to flee. Minister Wang will face execution at sundown, and the Wang clan shall be exterminated."

Not a single word was uttered as the guards swiftly moved forward, seizing the unconscious Minister Wang. Mu Yang paid no attention to the commotion and pressed on.

"Pass the decree. The empress dowager is wicked and immoral. She colluded with outsiders to incite rebellion. Instead of reflecting on her wrongdoings within the south palace, she persisted in meddling with the affairs of my nation. She shall be sentenced to death by poison, no one will be spared. Her name shall be erased from history, and her body shall not be permitted in the royal cemetery." Although the empress dowager was Mu Yang's mother, he felt no connection to her.

"Listen to my decree." he declared, his voice filled with determination. "The empress is wicked and envious. She conspired with the empress dowager. She shall be disposed of and sentenced to the cold palace for the rest of her days. Her name will be erased from history, and she will not be permitted to be buried in the royal tomb."

After Mu Yang finished speaking, Eunuch Sang stepped forward. "The emperor has spoken. Court is dismissed."

Everyone hurriedly left, eager to go home and seek refuge from the impending bloodshed. They wanted to be indoors until the chaos subsided.

" Minister Liu, please stay behind." Eunuch Sang called out to General Liu. Once everyone had departed, Mu Yang turned his gaze to his general. General Liu bore a striking resemblance to Cai Lung.

"I know about Cai Lung's mother," Mu Yang informed the general. General Liu maintained his cold facade, waiting for the emperor to continue.

"For deceiving the emperor, you will forfeit your pay for one year. I have also sent for Cai'er's mother to return to the capital. She will be reintegrated into the Liu family, and her status will be reinstated, do you understand, General?"

All General Liu desired was for Cai Lung to become more involved in court politics and secure greater prestige for the Liu clan. Now that he realized Cai Lung had the emperors heart, bringing his sister back could work in his favor. There was no need for him to resist and risk falling out of the emperor's favor.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it will be done." General Lung bowed and left the hall.

Mu Yang watched him depart, aware of the general's calculating nature. One could never discern his true thoughts, but he remained loyal like a faithful dog, there was no need to worry Mu Yang handed over the scrolls to Eunuch Sang. The energy he had exerted in eliminating these individuals had dissipated, and he longed to return to Cai's embrace and rest, and that was exactly what he did.