Chapter 5

Artemis looked around the town which seemed to be preparing for some sort of festival. There were stalls of many colors filled with different food, jewelry, books, and more.

Children were running around playing with each other as they awaited the start of the festival. Adults with stalls rushed to make their stalls eye-catching to bring in as many customers as they could.

"I wonder what made the king decide to have a festival so suddenly?" She heard an old lady say to her companion.

The announcement of the festival was so sudden for the villagers. They certainly were not expecting it but figured maybe something good happened to the king and they'll be hearing the good news soon. Or he could have just wanted to let them have a day of fun to make extra money from other villagers or townspeople who'll be visiting today.

The elderly man shrugged his shoulders. "Who knows. Villagers from all around have come to sell and buy today. It will be a good time for everyone today." He didn't care to question what the king was planning. Today would be a good day for all the business owners. They should just thank the king instead.

"You're right. Business will be good for many today. Bless the king. Long live the king!" They threw their hands in the air singing praises to king Darius and the rest of the royal Harlow family. They were truly lucky to be under the rule of such a kind and generous king.

Artemis rolled her eyes at the praises for their king. These fools didn't know how much they were being played with. A festival for good business? That stupid king of theirs was just covering up something.

Why else would he rush a festival which would have been better if it had time and preparation? If they would look past the money they could grab today the answer would be right in their face.

The king wanted to hide the death which took place in a village. The answer was obvious she just couldn't understand how stupid these people were. Do they not think?

She'd heard whispers of how the king promised his people the kingdom was safe as it ever could be. That there would be no danger. Stupid. It'll blow up in their face when the perfect image they created in their minds slowly starts to fade away.

The peace the king envisioned would never happen. People would continue to lie, cheat and kill as it was in their nature. There were just some things about humans you could never change, unfortunately. Good couldn't exist without evil. They had to balance out each other.

The king was a sweet talker and the villagers were gullible as can be. Always have been, always will be. If they just thought for themselves history would've been different. Gods could have helped the kings protect their people from danger but instead, the kings wanted to control the Gods.

The villagers couldn't see it but they were trapped just like she was. They just occasionally received gifts to distract them.

This could have been avoided if those stupid old fools didn't stick around doing anything. They sent them here and left them to care for these ungrateful humans.

Artemis clenched her fist angered by her thoughts. So many people were responsible for the way everything was today. A part of her contributed to the war between humans and Gods but that was not all her fault. Trust was broken and she was betrayed.

Her actions were retaliation for what was done to her. And it was her previous life that attacked the humans and not her. Why must she be punished for thousands of years?

"Long live the king!" A villager greeted Artemis holding out small candy treats in a basket to be taken. The treats were made to be given to others to celebrate the king.

Artemis arched her left brow staring at the treats. "May he rest well," she answered, taking candy and placing it in her mouth. She smiled devilishly at the villager who didn't understand the words of the stranger.

Was she referring to the king sleeping well today? What a weird choice of words.

"Enjoy the festival. May all your wishes come through."

Artemis's lips twitched in annoyance at the woman's words. "Wishes?" Please no. One of the things she was enjoying was not hearing the wishes from the tree.

"The wish stall. You can place a coin and make a wish," the villager said, pointing to a stall that had candles to be bought and blown out once you made a wish.

Artemis rolled her eyes for the second time today in annoyance. If they kept muttering wishes the whole day then that tree would never shut up. The only wish it should hear was her own. She wanted the stall to burn down.

Not responding to the woman, Artemis slowly made her way to the wishing stall wondering how she could make it go away. What was fun for them was tiring for her. Their wishes should flood the ears of their king, not her. Was this some sort of hidden punishment given to her?

Getting closer to the stall she saw how many blown-out candles were already placed by the stall and how many more people were waiting to make a wish.

Why were they wasting valuable money on a wish anyway? They didn't like Gods, where do they think a wish went? Down into the earth and a magical creature makes them come true? Ridiculous. Why don't they write letters to their king and ask him to make their wishes come true?

She would be doing them a great favor once she got rid of it. They should be thankful as she was going to bless them by getting rid of the stall and letting them keep their money and foolish thoughts.

Unnoticed by those around her, a shadow moved from Artemis and crept over to the stall pushing over lit candles. To anyone, it would seem as if the wind had blown over the candles.

Women and children, who were the main ones making wishes, hurried to their feet to get away from the stall as it started to catch on fire. The men tried their best to get rid of the fire so it wouldn't hurt anyone or spread to the other stalls.

"Get back."

"Bring more water," she heard them call out trying to put out the fire which spread quickly because of all the oils and other candles.

It was amusing to watch them run around almost helplessly. She couldn't help but laugh on the inside at their behavior. To think these helpless people were capable of hunting Gods was indeed amusing. What was there to be afraid of?

She was almost tempted to burn the whole festival down but she would not be the monster they claimed her to be. The fun was now over. She had enough entertainment from this and wanted to return home.

The same shadow which knocked over the candles, went over the burning stall again, helping to get rid of the flames. Suddenly, she felt a tug at her waist. Someone had pulled her away from being close to the fire.

"Get this situation under control," a man ordered someone.

She took a peek at the man who dared to touch her, only to realize this was the same man the guards called general when they caught the thieves.

Brown eyes stared into her pitch-black eyes and seemed to get lost staring at them.

"Are you okay?" He questioned her.