Chapter 22

"I don't think anything about Gods. Why are you so upset by the children having fun? They meant no harm by it. Before we conclude with anything else, I want you to tell me who you really are. I make it my business to memorize the faces of everyone who has lived in this kingdom from birth or if they were granted permission to be here. I have no information on you."

Alexander didn't like the way Artemis smirked when he brought this up. He was trying his best to not kill her but everything she did was suspicious. "Are you a relative of someone the king killed for being associated with Gods? Is that why you hate the king so much and what the children did? Trust me, I don't believe in what Darius and the kings before him have done but-"

"Do you? Do you really not believe in killing the number of people they have slaughtered? Killing the number of Gods who were trying to help them? I heard the way you humans sang praises when the Gods started to drop like flies and now they constantly pray for a miracle to help them escape this kingdom."

Alexander didn't miss the way she referred to others as humans like she wasn't one. He put two and two together quickly that she was more than connected to the Gods. His growing suspicions about her were right and it was a good thing he kept a couple of small knives on himself. "I don't like killing the innocent and it has haunted me before that I killed someone who did not deserve to die because the king suspected them of something. That is part of why I came here today. To prove if you are innocent so that it might one day save you. Looks like I was wrong."

"I admire your honesty that you have killed innocent people. I wouldn't believe you if you were like most people lying about not killing anyone who didn't deserve to die. You were wrong about me being a relative of someone related to a God. I am a Goddess and this is my temple. Those selfish humans burned it to the ground. How can I not hate your king?"

Alexander reached for a knife in the back at his pants now that she revealed she was a Goddess. He could predict many things at battle but not the fact that a Goddess was right here under his nose. He had never seen a God, only the people who claimed to follow and worship him. Personally, Alexander didn't believe Gods still exist in the world any longer after what happened to some of them. He thought they might've returned to wherever they came from. The last place she should be was in this kingdom so close to Darius.

"Why did you bring me out here? Is it to kill me?" He asked keeping his hand on the tip of the knife in case she tried anything. This was why he said you shouldn't underestimate anyone. "I take it you want something from with me since you brought me all the way out here. Such a pity. I was hoping to make a friend today."

"I don't need any friends." Artemis looked away from him to inspect the fallen temple. Even with her back turned to him, he couldn't harm her. They both knew that and it was the reason he hadn't thrown the knife he was grabbing at her. Only a fallen artifact could come close to killing her. "The reason I brought you specifically out here is that you are like the king's right hand. I have my ways of keeping tabs on people and most of the things the king orders you are right there in the mix."

A good thing about stealing Alexander away would be having the king think he was betrayed. Every little thing was pushing the king over the edge. This might be the one thing to make him lose his mind. "I've been needing a new pet these days and you are the best person because of how close you get to the king all alone. See this could've been avoided had you all minded your business and not tried to enter the forest."

"You're the demon the thieves saw in the forest. You were there that night I captured them."

"Bingo! I truly love how smart you are and I don't have to explain too much to you. I might spare you life in the end if you keep this up," said Artemis.

"You couldn't kill me even if you wanted to. The one thing I remember was that God can't kill humans. I won't become your pet anything soon. You're under arrest and will be taken to the king for judgment," Alexander finally took out one of his knives to protect himself. He knew he couldn't kill her so easily but he might be able to knock her out for a while. One quick accurate hit was all he needed.

Artemis chuckled, finding it funny he thought one little knife would help him. He wasn't as smart as she thought he was. "Oh yes, Gods are bound by a law that they cannot kill a human but I have no plans of killing you. I plan on using you. Nice shadow you have there," she looked down at his shadow from the sun.

Alexander didn't look down at his shadow in case it was a distraction for her to attack him. What he might've noticed had he looked down was the shadow of another man creeping up to his shadow to grab hold of it.

Alexander fell to the ground out of nowhere and felt himself being pulled away from Artemis. He was ready to attack what had dragged him but found no one around. There was an option of calling for help to anyone passing by but he knew the only people around would be villagers. They wouldn't be a good match up against a Goddess so he allowed whatever was holding onto him to drag him away.

"Well done my pets," Artemis praised the shadow that had dragged Alexander away.

She stood in silence, taking in what was left of her old temple. Memories of humans coming with coins to ask for a wish flashed before her. Laughter once filled this area but now it was silent. One of her past lives was the one who experienced this but memories and hatred were passed onto Artemis. The loud screams of those humans who worshiped her filled her ears now that she stood here. This happened the day a king ordered to kill everyone who didn't see Gods as evil and still visit them.

"I will expose all the evil to the world even if I die doing it."