Chapter 46

Catherine didn't understand the change in her brother's behavior when just yesterday he was the one proposing that she marry Alexander. They were fine until Catherine went back to her room. Between the time she left his room and this morning her brother must've had a conversation with mister Garfield since the engagement wasn't supposed to be told to anyone as yet. "What nonsense did he put in Darius's head?" She wondered.

Still, her brother was all about power and he shouldn't allow mister Garfield to treat her like she wasn't a princess. Just because she wasn't the king did not mean she was not important. Catherine glared at the guards for not following her commands earlier. When her father was alive, no one could disrespect her. She truly missed those days.

Knowing her brother would rather want to entertain himself with a common woman than listen to her, Catherine proceeded to head back to her bedroom. She and Darius weren't as close as they were as children and now in their adult years, they were always looking to use one another. If only Darius could switch places with her for one day and see how frustrating it is for her to have to beg him all the time.

He sent her to visit some relatives just for her to report back what they were saying about him. He was certain they wanted to plot against him and have one of the young boys there become king with him out of the way. All her relatives did was annoy her about their new life of farming. It was the reason they moved away from being so close to the palace.

"I'm tired of being played with by people who have no respect for the name I carry. What good is being a princess when everyone hardly listens to you? I should be a queen with Alexander as my king. We would make better rulers." Before Catherine understood how things worked, she always believed that she would one day become the queen of this palace. She had no idea that only a prince would get to rule and his wife would become queen.

"Why should some woman take my seat as queen? How is that fair to me? I don't want to be the queen of some other kingdom, this palace is rightfully mine as it is my brothers. Why can't we share the power he has?" Catherine stormed back into her room completely forgetting about the wedding she so desperately wanted to have. She wished there was some way for Alexander to become king and then she'll be king.

If she proposed the idea to his father maybe it could happen. The man despised how her brother ruled and there was no doubt he would think of his son as being a better king. The kingdom would no longer belong to the Harlows but at that point, Catherine would be a Mclane so it wouldn't bother her. She would take revenge on all those who looked down on her starting with mister Garfield. "I'll build a prison and have him thrown under it."

In the shadows of Catherine's bedroom, Chaos watched with great interest as the princess showed interest in becoming the next queen. There was a dark determination in her brewing that he thoroughly enjoyed. He had his fun with the king, why not start with someone else? Darius bore him and Chaos was not in the mood to listen to him screwing the woman brought to him by the same mister Garfield the princess was complaining about.

Chaos was curious to learn what lengths she would go to become queen.

"If I keep stressing over this I'll get frown lines and look older than I am. The last thing I want to do is look like my aunt."

"I think you look like a beautiful princess," Chaos said, still remaining in the shadows.

Catherine looked around for the voice she heard but saw no one in her room. "Who is there? I will not accept another person being in my bedroom today. Show yourself before I call the guards!"

"Do that and you'll never get your wish of becoming queen. How sad must it be for you to not have people bow at your whim? I see a great queen in the future."

"What are you?" Catherine was interested in their words but she wanted the person to reveal themself. She was getting a chilling feeling in her room all of a sudden. "If you don't show yourself-"

"You'll call for the guards just for them to ignore you?" Chaos chuckled remembering the scene in front of the king's bedroom. It was absolutely hilarious to see her be turned away but that started the fire inside of her that he wanted to see. "I can help you obtain great power in the palace. All you have to do is listen to my words," Chaos whispered the last part to place his charm on her. He needed to get into her mind to mess with her emotions.

"I said to reveal yourself!"

"With that man around your brother will start to distance himself from you and it won't be long before he throws you out of the palace taking away your title. It's not you the king cares for but keeping Alexander close by. He'll place you in a home away from the palace and limit your entry. Your silence tells me you believe that could happen. If you want to be queen, I'll show myself to you. If you don't, I'll disappear."