Chapter 70

"Mistress, aren't we going to kill him? He'll be a big problem in the future if we let him go even if you keep the bracelet on him. We should kill him-"

"Silence," Artemis told Chaos. She was the one in charge here and meant to be making all the decisions. "We are not going to kill him. We don't kill anyone like us. Alexander has siren blood inside of him and I am certain he would want to search for what happened to his mother. Unless he comes back to this forest pointing his sword at me, I will not kill him and neither will you, Chaos."

"He has siren blood? How can you be so certain? Let's push him into the water and see if they'll kill him or not. Then we can see if he's really a siren or not," Chaos suggested. He didn't care what they did as long as the man would end up dead. Artemis wouldn't have thought twice about killing the man in the past, what changed now?

"We will not be killing him and besides, there is one last job he has to do for me when he goes back to the palace because someone failed to do it," she glared at Chaos. He had successfully killed the king but he forgot to bring her the sword. With it, the humans could get a good warrior to use against her. Someone like Alexander. "I want you to get the sword and bring it to me."

"I don't have a clue where on earth it is. The king had many kinds of swords in his bedroom and it would be difficult for me to pick the one it actually is. I can also assume you wouldn't want me to bring you a lot of useless swords. Why are you letting me go even if it is with the bracelet on and I am not connected to this siren side you claim I have," Alexander didn't see the reason why Artemis might be so trusting of him. He could tell the others in the palace what he saw her do in the forest and then die with no remorse. Surely, she knew that.

"Once you speak to your father, I am sure he will open your eyes to many things. You might surprise yourself and not only protect innocent humans but perhaps creatures like me."

"That was a dream you had. We should find a way to break you out of this forest to protect the people you want to," Alexander did not want to leave her here all alone. She had paid for her crimes already and it was time she was allowed to leave. He didn't see her as evil as they were making her out to be. She was just misunderstood and alone.

"How kind of you to care about that now but I will solve that on my own and get out of here. Your father is on his way to the palace because of the news of your disappearance. Won't you like to leave and tell him that you are alright?" Artemis gave him the choice. She won't say it out loud but she would miss someone to talk to who wasn't one of her followers and eventually agreed with everything she said. She'll miss having company even though the person was half-human.

Alexander didn't answer right away and thought about what he wanted. If he took the option to get the sword and then he might be free, he won't have to ever step foot in this forest and see Artemis again. The problem with that was the thought that Artemis might fall back into being angry at the world again. If he stayed and helped her break free from the forest, he was certain she would just leave everyone alone and travel to save people like her from humans. "I'm going to stay here and help you. Once you are free from this forest, I will leave."

"I am confused here," Chaos held up his hand, taken back by the relationship Artemis and Alexander had seemingly formed. "Alexander, you have killed people rumored to be like us. Artemis is a goddess who has killed many humans in the past. A person like you wouldn't try to help her. And Artemis, weren't we going to kill all the humans in the palace as revenge?"

"The king is the one I had an issue with and he is dead. The other humans in the palace were just following his orders. My issue lies with the elders. What was that Wendy woman? She was a follower of the elders, wasn't she?" Artemis asked Chaos and when he nodded she said, "No wonder you were able to kill her. If you have nothing to do Chaos, your sister Aurora visited me-"

"Really!?" Chaos exclaimed before disappearing into thin air.

"That one never listens to me," Artemis sighed, tired of Chaos and the others just doing as they pleased but at least he was out of her hair for now. She glanced at Alexander who offered to stay here and help her. She was certain he would want to be free as soon as possible. Wasn't he putting too much faith in her? "I'm still going to need to send you to the palace to get the sword. It has always been too dangerous to be in the hands of humans."

A bright light appeared between them thanks to Artemis. It was meant to send Alexander back to the palace. "Do not tell anyone of what has happened during your time here and bring the sword to me," she commanded him using the bracelet. "Go," she said, making him disappear and now only she remained.