A Feeling

Sorry, Asu. But I have to do this if I want any hope at all for winning your love.

Grabbing ahold of Asura's hand, I deafened my ears against her struggles and ran towards a certain part of the woods that I felt certain was secluded enough so that no one will interrupt us.

Ok. I understand that after what happened with Caroline Baske, my words probably don't sound too convincing, but this time... I'll make sure we are alone.

My eyes lit up as the destination came into view: A magnificent clearing surrounded by trees.

But this was no ordinary clearing.

This was Asura's favorite!

Sometimes, she would be unable to fall asleep at night and come here to relax among the beautiful rainbow of colors that the trees here exuded, and as her most devoted fan and roomate, it was of course my duty to watch out for her in the shadows and make sure she is safe in this dangerous wilderness!

Well, I followed her because I also needed to observe her natural behavior(which I found very amusing-- an amusement which I know now is love) without all those layers of masks for scheming love potion purposes, but that's not the main point.

The main point is the reason I brought her here.

With a blink of my slightly glowing violet eyes, I created an illusion with a five feet radius around me, just encompassing Asura's figure. With this as a precaution, people should naturally avoid this clearing.

I had decided that I would try to actively seduce Asura here. I should try some alluring and cliche tricks and make her end up groveling before me, enchanted by my natural charms.

Of course, this has always been my goal, and I've always been thinking up new tricks to seduce her, but recently, I feel like I had become more unsure about what I'm doing.

Does Asura like me? Is she in love with Cassian Hall? Am I important to her? Will she hate me for my selfish actions?

These are new questions that I'm constantly asking myself these days. But instead of pondering over these useless questions, I should've simply continued with seducing Asura.

And it's only today, after Asura's distant expression, that I realized how the direction I was charging in was incorrect.

Maybe it's because of my desperation and my realizations, but I am confident that today will different-- and the result will be favorable to me.

I can feel it.

"We're alone now, Asu."