The Wonders of Self-Control

A Dawg? A dog?

A- Asu thinks of me as a dog? A dog? God, did I hear wrong?

No, no. How can I be a dog? Yes, I must've misheard. After all, how can *I* be a dog?

Just think about it! A dog! While dogs are cute, they certainly do not receive romantic affection from Asu. After all, she hates dogs. If she liked them, then certainly I wouldn't mind, but the point is that she doesn't! Wait, no. Even if she likes dogs, she still wouldn't like them romantically…

"W-What do you want me to do?" A fragile, shivering voice sounded, sending chills down my spine.

"Hm?" Surprised, I even forgot the pain in my left foot as I snapped my head up to look at Asu, my dark hair swishing in the process. Her face was filled with uncertainty, but there was no hatred nor despise in her eyes. Instead, she's… feeling guilty? Regret? "Well…"

I smiled. "Hold my hand!" Obviously, I should take advantage of this moment!

Winners never quit, and quitters never win! And I'm a winner! So until I have both her soul and her heart, I'll never give up!

With those words in mind, I reddened my eyes to match Asu's reddened cheeks. With a trembling lower lip and downcast eyes, my left hand slowly reached up to hers, slyly grabbing the girl's soft, warm thumb. "You… you won't do it?"

I blinked several times, allowing a couple translucent teardrops to roll down my cheeks.

Asu's face crumbled with defeat, but it was only for a second before she regained her poise—but I guess this is a different type of poise, one that is much more adorable than her usual mask. "Ahem! I-I-It's… I-It's only because you begged for it with that look of yours! You OBVIOUSLY know that I'm weak against tears… yet you always use them against me! B-But! I'm a magnanimous soul! So I'll forgive you." She paused to catch her breath; her face turned away from mine.

I grinned, obediently waiting for the girl to finish her words.

"I-I wouldn't possibly want to hold hands with you, you see, b-but… because you look so sad and desperate for my light… t-t-t-that I… I will graciously bless you with my beautiful hands."

Oh. My eyes widened. This… Isn't this just…

*Control yourself, Lancera. You can't act too wildly; remember, these are campus, public, grounds. *

I understand. Calm, Lancera. Calm.

Oh, but how could I stay calm?

With all my willpower, I planted myself on the spot, not allowing my irresponsible body to rush Asu into a bear hug and risk squeezing her to death.

However, what I wasn't able to contain properly was my laughter. I laughed with such fervor that my stomach hurt, and I had to stand up so that it ceased. With my free hand, I wiped off the sweet tears of joy that flowed down my cheeks.

"Pfft! Puhahahaha…"

Isn't she just so cute?