episode 2 part 2

cut to the beach.

"Surf contest!" said Stinky dog.

"Out of the way, Dinner-bell",said Buford.

"Hello, Buford. Perhaps you missed the sign", said Phineas.

"No Bullying, No yodeling?" Buford reads the sign.

"I don't like this any more than you do", said the man, in an australian accent.

"First up in the surf contest is Bobby Nelson. Oh! And Nelson eats it om five-footer! And there's Django brown shooting the curl, and here comes Buford Van Stomm! Ohh! He pummels brown with a Philadelphia traffic stomp! And now he's got im in a Half-Nelson, Now a Full-Nelson, oh! And now he's actually beating him with Bobby Nelson! Here's the scores from our judges. And Buford doesn't like it one bit", said Stinky dog.

Buford smashes the table with bobby.

"Next up is Phineas Flynn, and it's great to see young surfer show such confidence. Uh-oh, what's this?" said Stinky dog.

Buford splashes through the holographic Phineas.

"Oh, those kids today and their holographic projections. He's in pipeline, now he's hangin' ten! He's hanging twenty! He's hangin' thirty-two! Now he's just hangin'! The crowd loves it! I don't think there's a name a name for that! The crowd is doing the wave, and Phineas is surfing it! Let's go to the judges. 10 to the 15th power, infinity, and oh! It seems Phineas Flynn's radical surfing has made judge #3 rethink Einstein's theory of relativity! Cowabunga, laws of nature!" said Stanky dog, while all the stuff he says, happen.

The scene goes to me walking on the beach.

"Building a sandcastle, could be fun?" I said, gathering sand, then sees somebody's feet.

"Hello, can I join you?" asked a black-haired girl wearing a pink swimsuit.

"Sure, my name is kanisha". I said, while we are creating sand castles.

"My name is Eva, I'm new", said Eva, almost about to tell her secret.

"Then that describes me too, I'm trying to have fun, since I haven't done that much in a while", I said.

"Then, why just build a sand castle", said Eva.

"How about we play volleyball, have some beach fun that's all",  Eva singed, with enthusiasm.

"I don't know, I have tried my best to do things that people normally do, but as you can see that's just not", I singed, being unsure, but giving it a try.

"That's why you have to give it a try to prove who you are". Eva singed.

"Then i'll give it a go", I Said.

"Let's build more sand castles, play volleyball, dig up some friendly clams, and get a swim", They singed, while actually doing those things.

While, they were swimming, Eva dives down, and grabs my hand.

"What's going on?" I asked in a muffled voice.

"I have to tell you something". said Eva in my mind.

"Ok, what is it?" I said, giving mind message to Eva.

"Alright", said Eva, then shows her pink mermaid tail.

"You are a mermaid, that's awesome". I said, with excitement, and they got up to  the surface.

"Well, I'm glad to meet you, most people freak out, which makes me have to move", said Eva, in relief.

"I'm not the freak out person, but I am creative, and let's have fun", I said, then pushes her to the sand.

The scene cuts to Candace and jeremy dancing.

"so, are you having fun?" asked Canadace.

The music changes.

(Song: "The Moment Has Arrived (our song)")

"Eee...". said Candace, holding out her hands, then hears her phone rings.

"Just one second", said Candace and answers the phone.

"Helooooo?" said Candace, dreamily on the phone.

The scene cuts to Linda in the car, she gets shocked by this.

"Uh, Candace? Is everything okay?" said Linda, noticing candace sounds odd.

The Scene cut back to Candace.

"Ohh, everything's just wonderful..." said Candace.

Back to Linda, she gets shocked again.

"And...Phineas and Ferb? What are they doing?" said Linda.

The scene goes back to Candace as Phineas surfs in the background.

"Candace, honey, I'm coming home". said Linda.

Then, when realization comes to Candace, she turns back to normal.

"Wait, WHAT?" said Candace.

"I'm right around the corner; I'll be there in two minutes". said Linda, on the phone.

"Wait! No, mom, you can't". said Candace, and Linda turns off the phone.

"Oh, wait, wait! Uhh..." said Candace, trying to convince Linda not come home.

"Stay right here", said Candace to jeremy, then runs off.

"I've got to stop her!" said Candace, looks out the backyard gate.

"Oh, no, no, no, no...". said Candace, as Linda arrives.

"Mom, mom, please, Mom! Go away! Don't come in!" said Candace.

Underground, the fight resumes. Perry kicks Doofenshmirtz into a lever, switching it to "blow" forming a mountain in the middle of the ocean.)

"Is that a volcano?" asked Isabella.

"Uh oh!" I said, knowing what is going to happen.

Then, the volcano blows, where gnomes blow out, I grab eva's hand, and hitting the gnomes with my umbrella. 

"Run for your lives!! It's gnome-ageddon!!!" said Some man.

"What's going on?" asked eva.

"It's um, hard to explain, just hold on to my hand". I said.

Cut to Linda.

"Candace, tell me the truth. What is going on here?" said Linda.

"Phineas and ferb built a beach in the backyard, just like they were going to. But instead of just a cute little beach in a sandbox; it turned to be this absolutely huge beach, with a coastline, and palm trees, and a pier, and hula dancers, and water skiers, and tiki huts, and dolphins, and dancing, and surfing, and everybody from the neighborhood showed up". said Candace, talking fast.

"Oof!" said Doofenshmirtz.

"...and I was just about to share a smoothie with Jeremy when a coconut dropped on my head, and ...and just for a moment, it seemed that wily Buford would steal away the converted surfing trophy from under the noses of our heroes...then I can only continue my benign and spread love, happiness and ultimate popularity throughout my kingdom! If you would just let me have my moment!" Candace, continue .

"Oh, there you are Perry". said Phineas.

Perry chatters.

"Thanks for help me in the gnome disaster, bye", said Eva, then leaves.

"Well everybody, looks like that's all for today!" said Phineas.

"Phineas and Ferb!" said The crowd.

"If you don't believe me, go see for yourself". said Candace, on the ground.

Linda enters the backyard.

"That was great". said Phineas.

"brilliant and I met a new friend". I said, lying on the tree.

"hey boys". said Linda. "and Kanisha".

"Hey, mom". said Phineas.

"Hi, Mrs. Fletcher", I said.

"So, how was your day at the beach?" asked Linda.

"Wait, wait, my kingdom...my Jeremy...it was all so beautiful...!" said Candace, seeing the huge beach is gone.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO MY PARADISE?!" Candace panics at Phineas and Ferb and she pants.

"Candace, honey, I think it's time to get you out of the sun for a little while". said Linda, then leads Candace with the help of Isabella away.

"I think she had fun". said Phineas.

"Indeed", I said.

(song: If summer only lasted one day")

"Stanking Dog here with a special shout-out to my new pals, Phineas and Ferb, for hosting a beach party that was hot, hot, hot. And speaking of hot, slather on the Sunscreen listeners, cause tomorrow's weather calls for another scorcher",  said Stanky dog on the radio.

"With a slight chance of scattered lawn gnomes", said Ferb.

Which makes me and phineas laugh.

After the end credits, I land in my room, I grabbed a notebook, look through the internet and looks up stuff to do in the next episode.

"Mariah's advice worked now I create more side plots that can work for my character", I said, looking a laptop.

"Now, I can be ready for my next episode". I said.

That's the end.