Wake Up Already


It's been 2days and Jeffery has not shown any sign of improvement; he was still in coma.

Jane found herself thinking more about him daily. She decided to constantly pray for him.

''Jane you have to stop worrying he will be fine''

They just got back from church service and throughout the service all Jane could think about was Jeffery. She tried her best to concentrate on what the pastor was preaching; she heard some and others were not heard.

''I know, it's just that ever since he was hospitalised; he is all I think about. What if he doesn't come out of coma, what if he dies?''

''God forbids, stop saying such thing Jane''


Truth be told Amaka has thought about this herself, but she can't tell Jane that. She really prays he comes out of coma. She might not have known him much; but she does know he is a good guy who deserves a chance to live.

''How about we go visit him in the hospital?''

''I don't think we will be allowed to see him, only family members are allowed to visit''

''Remember you said his mom met you at the hospital? I'm sure she would allow you see him even if it's just for few minutes''

''I really don't think so''

''Let's just try first''

Thirty minutes later they where in the hospital where Jeffery was admited. It was a big private hospital in Victoria Island; most times when a patient's case is becoming too difficult to handle they fly him/her to one of their sister hospitals in Hawaii. Jane is hoping Jeffery's case will not be one of those cases.

When they got to the reception, Jane walked up to a nurse who was at the reception desk.

''Good afternoon ma, we are here to see a patient''

''Name of patient?''

''Jeffery Ademola''

''May I know your relationship witn the patient?''

''Actually we are…''

''Jane, you came''

Jane turned to see Mrs Ademola Jeffery's mom walking towards them. They had spoken for a few minutes when she was told Jane was with her son when he collasped and she had taken a liking to the young lady. Especially the way she kept telling her not to worry that her son will be fine.

''Yes ma, good afternoon ma.

''Good afternoon my dear, how are you?''

''I'm fine thank you, I and my roommate decided to come see Jeffery''

''Good afternoon ma'' Amaka greeted.

''How are you my dear? You ladies are welcome I could actually use some company, come let me show you to his ward.''

Jane could see Mrs Ademola was trying her best to be strong. She has aged so significantly within these few days. She had eye bags underneath her eye; signs of lack of sleep.

When they got to Jeffery's private ward, Jane had to hold herself from crying. She couldn't believe it's same person who was full of life days ago that's for life.

''The doctor said hopefully he would come out of coma soon, his brain activity shows he is determined to survive''

''He will definitely come out of this ma''

''You know there was a time when all I wanted was for him to get married; but right now all I want is for him wake up''

Jane really wanted to hug the woman and assure her everything will be fine.

''He will surely wake up from this''

This time it was Amaka who spoke

''I was going down to the cafeterria to get some coffee when you came in; please join me''

Thirty minutes later at the cafeteria they have had a cup of coffee each and even convinced Mrs Ademola to eat something. Amaka and Jane have been cracking the woman up with their jokes and funny stories. For a moment she had forgotten about her troubles.

''You girls are two peas in pod, I can't believe you both experienced such things''

''Mom I have been looking all over the place for you''

They turned to see Erica, Jeffery's elder sister walking towards their table. She is a beautiful lady in her early thirties, she had a close resemblane to her mom. She was carrying a little boy who looked like he would rather be somewhere else but his mother's arms.

''Sorry my darling I decided to come get something to eat like you adviced''

''I'm glad you did, where is Dad?''

''I finally convinced him to go home and take a shower, that man was begining to stink''


They all burst into laughter, she was glad to see her mother smile again even if it was for a short period. Mrs Ademola introduced Jane and Amaka to her daughter and grandson.

By evening Jane and Amaka decide to leave so they could go prepare for work the next day.

''Thank you so much for coming, please I would love to have you visit me again if you don't mind?''

''Not a problem ma; we would always stop by to check on you'' Jane said.

As they were about leaving a nurse rushed in to call Mrs Ademola.

''The doctor wants to see you, your son has come out of coma, please come with me"

They all went with the nurse, when they got to Jeffery's private ward, the doctor and some nurses were attending to him so they had to wait outside.

Thirty minutes later the doctor came out of the ward.

''I'm sorry Mrs Ademola he had a relapse''

''What does that even mean? You just told us yourself that he was out of coma?''

Mrs Ademola was becoming agitated, a while ago one of the nurses rushed into inform them at the cafeteria that Jeffery was out of coma. And now the doctor is saying he had a relaspe. Are they trying to toil with her emotions?

''Mom you need to calm down, let the doctor finish''

"Ma'am, what I mean is; he came out of coma only for a few minutes and then went back to coma, but his vitals are showing signs of improvement meaning he will be out of it soon''

Mrs Ademola said nothing in return, she only nodded her head and sat down on the chair besides Jeffery's hospital bed.

It breaks the heart of her daughter Erica to see their mother like that. If only there was something she could do to wake Jeffery up so they could put these past few days behind them already.

''Thank you doctor''

''You are welcome, I will be in my office''

They all stood silent, four of them stood staring at Jeffery as if trying to magically wake him up.