I Want To Help

Chapter Eighteen

"Are you serious or you are just pulling my legs?"

"Why would I joke about something this sensitive?"

"Who did you kill?"

"It was...."

Jane was interupted by a knock on the door.

"Come in" Jeffery called out, he was really eager to know more about what Jane just dropped on him and he doesn't care if has to put his meeting on hold or even cancel it.

The door opened and Sandra his secretary walked in.

"Sorry to disturb Sir, but the board members are all sitted waiting for you"

"Sandra I want you to stall the meeting"

"For how long sir?"

"Until I join the meeting"

"Alright sir"

They both waited for Sandra to leave the office before any of them spoke.

"She is gone now, so you were saying?"

"Jeff please this is not the time and place to talk about this, I promise I will tell you everything you need to know, but first just sign the documents"

"No, you tell...."