A little Freedom

Chapter Twenty-Six

Jane stood confused, wondering why Mr Okafor would come into her room with his son.

Ever since she came into the house; they have only said few words to each other, most of which were mare pleasantries exchanged between themselves. She even got to know his name from Dami.

"Jane my Jane, you thought you were smart right? you thought you could get rid of me so easily"

Mr Okafor walked closer to Jane with each word he spoke, she kept moving backwards till she got to the door of the bathroom, her first instinct was to run in and lock the door like she did last night; but then she remembered Mr Okafor had the door removed earlier.

"You must be very proud of yourself, you must be thinking you outsmarted me right?"

Jane felt so vulnerable standing in front Mr Okafor with nothing but a little towel which barely covered her butt. His son couldn't seem to take his eyes of her chest, he kept using his eyes to follow her every move.